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H982 Fkl - Top Gear Argentina Trip Ends Early!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. kingdom suggest greatness. not very appropriate.
  2. OK.

    The United Petty Fiefdom?
  3. don't wish to be pedantic boys or spoil your little fantasy,, but " Scottish " is a drink ;).. ( if Shetland don't want to be part of the " new look map " then that is up to them,, apart from their cultural contribution they have little financial input, they have very little oil )
    • Like Like x 1
  4. they have fush tho. Europe want fush we need fush to be in Europe. fush carry the power. without fush we are nothing.
  5. Do the Scottish even eat fish?
  6. in batter. tried some of that steamed sh.t. not v.healthy.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. fish mmm,, do you know that your great friends the americans,,,, you know the ones who won the war :rolleyes: , have banned the sale of Scottish fish to Russia so affecting the income of Scottish fishermen,,,,,,,,,,,, so we are selling it to Norway who then sell it to Russia, fortunately the norgies are not in the pay of the yankie doodle dandy... all in the name of world peace apprently ..
  8. Ah yes, fish and chips. A fine English culinary invention. ....:Happy:
  9. dude i have a massive problem with American style big business that and all the other business that are now big enough to influence world policy. like i said i am sure most people world wide just want an easy life.
    didn't know about this Norway thing tho.
    might have to give Erna Solberg a wee bell find out what she is up to.
  10. Along with deep-fried pizza, and deep-fried pies... and deep-fried Mars bar for afters...
    Or, my personal favourite when I worked up in Glasgow, deep-fried CurlyWurly...
  11. deep fried pizza. :upyeah:
  12. Yoo wot! What about the Clair Field? No wonder they were/are gonna push for their own independance from Scotland. Did you notice they gave Salmond a massive fuck off.
  13. I thought it was Al Haig and Caspar Weinberger ?
  14. I would have a trip down there.
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