They should also ban people: using mobile phones while driving; having a headlight out, not moving over to the LH lane after overtaking on the motorway smile: remember when they heralded how they'd clamp down on that!)
exactly who's going to enforce this, or do drivers have to dob each other in on the confidential "fag Line" ?
It isn't easy. Food is regulated, as it should be. Education is the key but it fails so many children, particularly those who have the misfortune to be born to feckless parents, but that could be the start of a whole new thread.
What, like the exhaust fumes from every exhaust of a vehicle that is not a choice, and just as bad, if not worse than smoking??
It's a bloody disease round here,especially popular with kids whos parents have splashed out on late-model hatchbacks. If the filth,("Citizens in Uniform"), don't stop people for something as obvious as that,don't be surprised if no-one ever gets busted for having a quick puff with their nippers on board.
Another completely pointless piece of legislation to give the paper pushers some more to do whilst at the same time giving the old political correct bandwagon a good push. Most politicians would regards this as a good days work! In real terms obviously most people don't smoke when others are in the car, and the ones who do are probably smoking all day long in the front of the tv with the kids next to them. So the odd smoke in the car with the kids is neither here more there. If the government was made up largely by normal people, anyone that came up with stupid ideas like this would be fired on the spot.
Societal norms should be the pressure not to light up with children. Most smokers wouldnt. I wouldnt. If the societal norm doesnt persuade them then legislation wont either. Look at mobile use in cars. I see no change in behaviour here and it is poorly policed. Will the next move be to enforce car drivers to keep their windows closed to ensure the kids dont breathe in the car fumes? Or do they enforce the crazyness around schools in the morning when mums and dads behave like tossers, triple parking, blocking roads etc. My office is by a school and it is an absolute nightmare at school times. Angry parents in cars with screaming kids raging at each other. The crashes here are normal. All this places childrens welfare at risk, by their own parents and yet nought is done. No lets look at soft targets to appease those who shout the loudest. If you smoke in a car with kids in you are an asshole. I dont need it to be law to tell me that.
all true. but if it takes a fine which you or any other dude with half a brain cell aint gonna receive, whats the problem
The problem Fin is legislation. As soon as anything is law then that law can be used against you for other reasons. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. Look at some of the laws and how theyve been implemented and enforced. Note how the CJB was used to stop car rallies etc. Did it stop illegal raves? Did it fuck. Now the police have the power to do stuff you wouldnt believe. All through a law for other things. I dont blame the police here, i blame politicians.
i hear you dude i hear you. we have a vote, we have a movement if they go to far we can round them all up put em in a field and bomb the BASTARDS. what ya fink?
I wouldn't trust this government, or any over the last 30 odd years that I have been a voter, to run a bath let alone run the country. Most people love their children and look after them to the best of their ability and don't need politicians to tell them what to do for their children. Typical politicians/civil servants demonstrating their inability to tell when the best course of action is to do nothing and instead feel the need to justify themselves by creating new rules .
There's probably some obscure legislation that prevents the wholesale slaughter of politicians on arable land.
kenny was the for banning hole sale slaughter of fraudulent M.P's. an outdated law over due for removal.
The malaise in the UK is the adoption of the nanny state mentality driven by the litigious nature of our culture (a disease we have caught from the US of fucking A). Everything now is designed to cater for the lowest common denominator. Bags of peanuts warning "may contain nuts". Pencils with "don't stick the pointy end in your eye" printed on them. Manhole covers with "warning, enclosed space" stickers on them. It's all a load of bollocks.