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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Aug 9, 2012.
Simoncelli’s dead I don’t have to believe it If I don’t want to
Pump at the pedal ABS but nothing slows You are on thin ice
Frail road encounter Travelling coincidence Meet then part again
Melancholy post Joie de vivre sucked out, long gone Analgesia
Don't be downhearted So much to feel good about You've still got your health
But for how long chum? Crepuscule, can be so glum Oh! Insomnia
Much still left to do Bucket list boxes to tick Now get on with it!
Free from care and pain Return to ancestral tilth To sleep for ever.
Rolls-Royce hearse for me Won’t be seen dead in a Ford Maybe a Daimler.
Always want prestige No way that a Ford will do Vauxhall no better
Split into atoms Finally omnipresent Your last resting place
Now a morbid thread Dwelling on sombre concerns Cheer up! Soon be dead! :smile:
Hearing from old friends season’s greetings, nostalgia lying newsletters.
A red cockatoo Speaking the speech of wise men Locked up in a cage.
Lawyer made phone ring Cash offer, far too early Advised I should wait
Fierce blizzard blowing Wolves howling around my door Kettle simmering.
Venice sinks in mud Adriatic flooding in Serenissima
No two are alike They appear uniform, aren't Snowflakes and soldiers
Like a dripping tap New Year leaks out wastefully Go fetch a bucket
Snow snow go away Come again some other day OK please yourself