Cheers Gliddo, I totally appreciate the 5-7-5 structure of the Haiku, and my poor attempt at a verse is a little embarrassing. Thanks
It's actually piss easy to make up poor ones. I do it in the car on the way to work. Making up a good one - well, you probably have to be a poet. On the other hand, it's prompting me to write song lyrics, which is necessary, as if you're in a band and you play stuff, you need to have something you can sing to it, no matter how rubbish.
Boy got his feet burned Trying to keep his distance From Jimmy Savile Just one for all you "boy stood on the burning deck" and Savile fans.
Both alive and dead Since his wave function collapsed Schrödinger’s poor cat. * OK, I know - the ambiguity ends with the collapse of the wave function.