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Hamsa and the jihadis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. id rather have one dirty slag here on earth.

    isnt it about time Hamza slung his hook?

    As far as sending these scumbags off to guantanamo, im usually against that, but in this case i'll make an exception. personally, i dont think we should tolerate these pigs in our country preaching their ignorant barbarism and spearding their 'religion of peace'. look at how these so called loving muslims have behaved because of a) a cartoon, b) a crummy film...these idiots behave like christians a couple of hundred years ago..before most of them could read and write. the christians spread their message with the sword, these guys use IEDs.

    Isnt it funny though how god, allah, yaweh, zeus, apollo, whoever, whatever, tends to be on the side of the army with the biggest gun?
  2. i love Pat Condell. he is/was a stand up comic and was always on the money.
    #42 funkyrimpler, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  3. Smooth, real smooth [​IMG]
  4. Will this thread put the Ducati Forum on the Jihad trail
  5. If you want to speak about Islam, read about it first, don't judge the religion on the basis of idiots you see on rampaging on TV and read about in The Sun!

    As for arranged marriages, genital mutilation, and honour killings, they have nothing to do with Islam, they are cultural anomalies that have nothing to do with the religion, but are unfortunately, practiced in many of those countries where Islam is prevalent.

    When was the last time you heard about Hindu's doing any of the above? You haven't have you? But they practice all of them, because they are cultural practices from the Indian sub-continent.

    If you can judge a whole religion on the basis of the acts of the publicised minority, then I'm sure we could judge all religions and cultures, but I hope most of us aren't that stupid.
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  6. Maybe if they did peoples perception of them would change, but whilst they make a decision to remain silent on the issue its a logical assumption that this silent majority are quietly supporting the vocal minority.
  7. "All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke
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  8. Eunuch's were, maybe still are, made in India.

    In Bible eunuch was refered to as a person unable to procreate or get married. They were born like that or were not privileged to get married.

    In Asian part of the world Eunuch's were made to serve as slaves in harems, work as officials or personal help.

    Making a eunuch for me classifies as genital mutilation.
  9. It amazes me the knowledge some posters seem to have on every subject in the world and how its presented as absolute fact. I applaud you. You are far better individuals than me

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  10. This isnt a religion issue, it is an extremism issue the same sort of extremism practiced by the likes of the EDL . Both organisations have misguided and distorted beliefs as to how others should act. The EDL is intolerant of anything other that an English Bloodline (Nazism anyone, besides, history shows that the only true Brits on this scepterd Isle are the Celts who fled to Wales and Scotland when William the french bloke invaded in 1066 Ironic that) The Muslim extremists intolerant of anyone not prepared to accept their beliefs except they hide behind religion by making passages from the Holy Quraan fit their distorted views believing they are carrying out gods work.

    I myself have no tolerance of members of either, they are misguided damaged individuals but unfortunately Highly dangerous. That is why Hamza is best off out of here !
  11. I thought this was hilarious.

    Finally someone prepared to say publicly what the majority in the west feel.

    As for the dichotomy between religion and cultural mores, I don't buy it. Religion is more cultural than spiritual. Easy to prove this, as all religions are supposedly tolerant and about loving your neighbour and all they ever breed is wars when you don't like how your neighbours are behaving. Even religions can't get along with themselves - the Shia hate the Sunnis, the Proddies dislike the Catholics. It's all complete bullshit.

    "We in the west don't care" True. Unfortunately, our politicians are spending squillions and ruining lives trying to prove the opposite.

    Splendid isolation, anyone?
    #51 gliddofglood, Sep 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  12. It's frustrating and infuriating. Not just for old hook hand but also for all the fundamentalist sympathisers.

    It's ironic that someone, and others who preach the downfall of the state and hatred of the nation should rely on the law of the land to protect him from what he sees as inhumane treatment whilst applauding terrorism and deriding the nations armed forces.

    It pisses me off that people who were born here, educated here, taken the states money when necessary and enjoyed the benefit of the freedom of speech can still not see or refuse to see how fortunate they are, compared to how they could be.

    Personally, give them what they preach. If a person hates the nation enough to chant baby killers to a homecoming parade, to feel that the state is deserving of acts of terrorism and the death of innocents, and proudly preaching the good fight in some training camp in whateverstan, then give them their wish. Citizenship is a privilege not a right, born here or not. Revoke their citizenship, and give them a free ticket to the blessed nation that spawns the hate they preach.

    As for human rights and lefty liberals - sorry but shove it up your arse. I wave my non straight banana at you and pelt you with my incorrectly shaped potatoes and fart in your general directions.

    And on the subject of religion, pray all you like
    no one’s going to help you, because there isn’t anybody out there to do it. No one. We’re all just complicated arrangements of atoms and subatomic particles – we don’t live. But our atoms do move about in such a way as to give us identity and consciousness.

    We don’t die; our atoms just rearrange themselves. There is no God. There can be no God; it’s ridiculous to think in terms of a superior being. An inferior being, maybe, because we, we who don’t even exist, we arrange our lives with more order and harmony than God ever arranged the earth. We measure; we plot; we create wonderful new things. We are the architects of our own existence.

    What a lunatic concept to bow down before a God who slaughters millions of innocent children, slowly and agonizingly starves them to death, beats them, tortures them, rejects them. What folly to even think that we should not insult such a God, damn him, think him out of existence. It is our duty to think God out of existence. It is our duty to insult him. Fuck you, God! Strike me down if you dare, you tyrant, you non-existent fraud!

    It is the duty of all human beings to think God out of existence. Then we have a future. Because then – and only then – do we take full responsibility for who we are. And that’s what you must do, think God out of existence; take responsibility for who you are.

    good grief charlie brown....
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  13. Someone's read Dawkins, then! :upyeah:
  14. Is that Steven Dawkins the physicist?
  15. No, he said he was only lending a hand..:wink:
  16. A religious man/woman may argue God slaughters no one; he offers the chance to Man to save himself or destruct himself

    conversation with my son yesterday, on how the first of anything begins. Sure evolution will help over time but how does it start? And at what point? And to what end?

    Not religious myself but how different is science really? Start with a theory. Which is then disproved rather than proved.

    There is something to be said for intelligent design....
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  17. I don't think there is.

    For final_edition: he's not a physicist. He's an evolutionary biologist according to Wikipedia.

    I urge everyone to read The God Delusion, because it's an important (and very readable) book. As with any book, you don't have to agree with it but I'd be interested in hearing the arguments of those who don't.
    When you think how much religion has been taught to you over your lifetime, how much atheism have you really studied?

    Religion to me attempts to answer 2 worrying questions: (1) what is the point of my existence and (2) what's going to happen to me when I die?
    If you're not interested in either of these questions, you don't have to worry about religion at all.

    But you don't have to worry about it either if you decide that the respective answers are (1) there is no "point" and (2) oblivion.
    These aren't comforting answers, but who ever said the universe was a comforting place?
    Of course, we can't know what the answers are, but I can't see any evidence at all that those are not the answers. All religions are based on faith, i.e., I bypass my rational mind and just believe something that sounds nice. On that basis, I might just as well have faith in astrology, palmistry or fairies.
  18. Bradders God gives chance to save or destruct ourselves. Well for sure that is not catholic God then. Bible is full of passages how man kind has free will to choose, to do what he wants. Then right next to it is equally as many passages about big plan God has for us. Well if he has a plan we have no free will then now do we?
  19. And there lays a problem which has existed since he start of man: opinion and interpretation.

    Tried to read god delusion, felt it was poorly written and very padded with the same thing reiterated over and over. Its nothing other than a 'bible' for a different religion. Didnt manage to finish it
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