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Hamsa and the jihadis

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Sep 24, 2012.

  1. You can't equate science with religion and say they are two sides of the same coin, or have equal validity. Science makes predictions of outcomes. If the outcomes happen, then the theory is regarded as knowledge until such time as they don't happen.

    Our whole life is punctuated with products that have been developed by engineers based on science and an understanding of outcomes. I'm typing on one of them now. Religion, what's that ever predicted which has come to pass systematically? Nothing. That is why there is no difference in believing in Santa Claus, or the celestial teapot, and God, Allah or whatever.

    And I don't think that scientists or atheists think they have the answer. They just recognise balderdash when they see it.

    You're a bit tough on Einstein and Newton et al. All their work is still massively used. It might get refined, but it's not like flat earth theory or creationism. They might be wrong about some things (who is infallible?) but that doesn't mean they've been wrong about everything. A dangerous amalgam.
  2. I take your point, but the anomaly is that the Christian god does not have a name. He seems to be just referred to vaguely as "god" without indicating which god, hence the lower case. Capitalising a pronoun ("He") is long since obsolete, not to say bonkers.
  3. It's a hilarious story; Arthur Clarke was joking. A lot of his stories are rather literalist, based in science, but he occasionally indulged a fantasy as here.
  4. I have another question so why do Muslims get exactly 72 virgins, where did that come from? Why 72 and not for example 69 or 99 or whatever?

    Also do they not think that 72 is nothing when you think eternity? If they get replenished then again why 72? Screw one, be done get the replenished one.
  5. Don't forget, the Middle East was at the forefront of number science for centuries - they taught us Westerners everything we know about numbers (but not everything they know).

    Disclaimer: Joke. Pedants be warned
  6. Thanks for the warning, much appreciated!
  7. There is no mention of 72 Virgins in the Qur'an, only that those who kill or are killed in the name of god will be greatly rewarded, including but not limited to, Islamic women of their age with big eyes and swelling breasts that do not sag.

    Muslims believe The Qur'an to be the direct word of god however, over the years these scriptures were added to by way of the Hadiths which are not the word of god but human interpretations of gods word to help people understand the sometimes cryptic nature of Qur'anic verse. It is only in the Hadiths that the number of 72 virgins is first mentioned.

    So its just a human guesstimate, hope that helps.
  8. Blufoot to much in your head but still interesting info.

    So then if you get rewarded with virgins it must be boring after a while and you just want a "used" virgin surely?
  9. Perhaps someone should tell "would be" martyrs that maybe it's all a lie :smile:
  10. They won't listen, they're mentally ill
  11. Would you say those who did suicide missions in WWWII were in the same martyr bracket; ie mentally ill? Remember 1 persons extremist terrorist is anothers freedom fighter
  12. Was that an Internet based war?

    In seriousness, bombing a Market place or towncentre is a bit deferent to a suicidal military mission against opposing combatants
  13. And bombing Berlin with all its innocent inhabitants? Just pointing out the view from one window is often different than the window next door, even if they are both over the same ocean with no landmarks in sight

    just to be clear tho, before accusations come, its entirely wrong in any context to take lives of the onnicent and by innocent I mean thise not directly engaged in war...no hold on, that means if you're a soldier you're fair game?! Nope thats not right either

    so conflict and war is wrong...is that whe the thread started? Lol
  14. Neh not internet war Japanese zero pilots also know as kamikaze pilots. It was done as act of desperation, however actual kamikaze pilots did it for the emperor.
  15. 72 is the highest number you can count to using your fingers so it may relate more to the concept of the biggest number imaginable
  16. So did not know that, is it for real the 72 being that? 69 seems a better number anyhu :)
  17. Eh? Care to explain that?
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