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Happy Memories Summer Of '76

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carlos Fandango, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. think that was the year I was packed off to boarding school

    lasted a term

    don't remember much about the summer apart from being down in Berwick st John on holiday , playing kiss chase round the church and catching butterfiles on the buddleia in the Rectory
  2. I was 14 and my recollection is that my Dad decided, due to the hot summer that we should build a swimming pool and that the designated spot in the garden, being on a hill only needed 'half' digging with the dug out half being used to fill the other side so we could do it by hand (really he was too mean to hire a digger).

    So by the time we had dug it, concreted the base, built the block walls and finished all the associated pipes, pumps, filters and groundworks etc. the summer was over... :rolleyes:
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  3. But at least you were able to enjoy it in the non-summer of 77.

    #63 gliddofglood, Jul 23, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  4. The summer of 1976 was my first overland trip driving a articulated lorry delivering Chocolate to Kuwait. It took a month a trip and I continued doing it for another 3 years.
  5. Ah, the days of sail-powered articulated lorries. Lost in antiquity now! :upyeah:
  6. Didn't it melt? The chocolate I mean, not the lorry, that would be just daft, it has to be pretty hot for lorries to melt, obviously ...... you know what I mean ....
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  7. Although not a patch on a modern lorry, I had a Volvo which had 330bhp and 16 gears a top end motor in its day, and much quicker than today's vehicles as it wasn't governed, no queues behind me.
  8. I left school in June 76, and had already been offered an apprenticeship starting early September. I went from earning £1.25 per week on a paper round to £7.70 on the dole, and the £14.35 at my first week at work. Because we were on rate for age, and my birthday was early Sept, in the second week my wages went up to £17.60. I was rich!!!

    Spent all summer fishing on the middle Severn with my mates, getting extremely pink, then gradually turning brown, and dancing the horizontal tango with more gusto than I have managed to muster since!!!

    Great times, great memories.
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  9. Bloody hell,what model was that? I used to drive an F88 with a 290,(well,it had the 290 grille but I suspect it were only a 240 really...).Did several Gary Glitter tours in it,actually..:eek:.
    Didn't know they made a 330 though?
  10. My breakfast of choice.........muffin'
  11. You shared my summer except I took home £16/week with the odd pennies rounded up or down each week so every few weeks we got an extra £1 which I think was about another 3 pints or a couple of packets of No6. Petrol was nicked from a local distribution centre because we could climb over the fence and pass the bike tanks over to fill them.
  12. I recall going to a working mans club where beer was £0.19 per pint and No. 6 from the fag machine were £0.20 for 20. We are starting to sound like our grandfathers!!!

    I recall giving my mom £5 a week for "keep", paying about the same on bus fare to work, and still having more money than I knew what to do with! That soon changed when I decided to buy a new Honda 250N Super Dream!!!!
  13. Can't remember what I used to get paid for a paper round, I reckon maybe £3 a week. One of my school mates confided in me one day; he'd joined the choir at the local church, it paid more than the paper round and they were looking for more choir boys. So I bit the bullet and joined - bugger me, it was seven quid a week! And I didn't have to get up at stupid o'clock any more. My two older brothers soon joined me, and it was an unwritten code than no-one talked about choir - our lives wouldn't have been worth living if anyone else at school had found out.

    Then I took a saturday job at Woolworths as well and I was bloody minted. 1976 was good to me:upyeah:
  14. ahhh paper round - done on roller skates (it was the 70's) posh area round Moor Park golf course - good tips though - problem was I wasn't in school so didnt need to get up and get it done early but then I'd get a bollocking because the men had all left for the station without a paper before I got there

    1st Saturday job was £8 a day or £10 if we'd sold loads and a return tube trip into London was 20p
  15. Sounds like Father/Reverend got some cheap thrills that summer :eek:
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  16. Yes a great motor It was a F 89 left hand drive, pulled like a train with gross weight only
    32 tons in them days.
  17. Paper round for me too in about 1965 & 1966, got 12shillings and 6pence/week. Sundays was ridiculous, due to the Sunday papers with all the supplements and I had to balance about a hundredweight of papers on my handlebars and wobble off shakily. Fell off one Sunday and ripped the palms of my hands to a bloody mess and got complaints the next day because of the bloody finger prints on the newspapers!

    I remember seeing a 10 shilling note blowing along the pavement one morning so I dived head first off my bike to grab it, and then went to the pictures and bought a hot- dog and a box of Weekend chocolates and felt sick afterwards. Happy days!
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  18. I had a paper round....Then I landed a job shoveling chicken sh!T.
    Not much has changed!
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  19. I'd passed my test about a year before, got a bank loan and bought a brand new 750 Bonnie that I rode at 100mph everywhere.. I was working nights Sunday-Thursday as were a lot of my mates. We'd hang out at Chalkwell Beach nr Southend sunbathing during the week and go Santa Pod/Classic Racing/500GP/Gigs most weekends. Twas a very good year. Also that year my girlfriend arrived in UK from the Phillippines to train as a nurse.
  20. that is dead cool Char, and i'm trying my hardest to imagine you doing it ! :smile: I got sooo bored doing mine (as did everyone I guess) I decided to do round back to front for a change - got a royal bollocking of course but couldn't understand why at the time.
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