I love Halloween, no fireworks though. what I do have is an old ww2 siren that I love to take out into the back garden and crack it up to full volume, the mate who lives about two miles away has one and we arrange to wind them up at the same time lol, sounds bloody class,esp with a few beers.
Let them have their fun, it's only a bit of noise, and if we're really lucky some of the more stupid ones will remove themselves from the gene pool. Plus it keeps the rozzers busy; I don't like to see them sat in cars all day, not good for the posture.
Hate em, especially as I'm always having to wake up early In the words somebody in Blackadder. Sourpuss and grumpy face!
I like to do my bit for old people -like letting off fireworks at 2am on the old people's estate so they don't die in their sleep.
kids going around begging for sweets...bah!! and if youre foolish enough to open the door and fail to comply then you get toffee apples full of razor wire or dogshit thru your letter box.....then the same scum come around again, begging at christmas, pretending to sing..i like to smile and watch them humiliate themselves as they run out of lyrics....and since when did 'kid' mean a scabby chav punk of 17 anyway??
I had two pikey kids knock on my door one Hallowe'en. I say kids, one of them was wider than me and was covered in tattoos, the other was being pushed in a pram, no attempt to dress the part of Guy Fawkes. "Penny for the Guy, moosh..?" "No, fuck off".
thats us fallen out with the neighbors, someone let them off over the horses field. and the wife's gone in there like a banshee. expecting a vet bill later.
We had someone letting off those cannon ones last night at gone 10PM, I don't really mind Fireworks at all, but I just don't see why they wouldn't be at more like 7PM, as it is really cold and really wet by 10!
yeah, I don't mind fireworks - I'm too stupid to use them safely TBH - but on fireworks night and up to a reasonable time. My little pooch is terrified of the things and this year, they will probably be let off every night for three weeks. And we shouldn't have to have them past a reasonable time. A guy once said: "your right to swng your arms ends at my nose. Your right to make a noise ends at my ears".
I have Termis on my 750 Formula ( the first production bike with carbon-fibre silencers as standard, in case anyone is interested ) BUT, and this is the difference, I don't fire it up at 2am just to piss people off !
Not pleased tonight .. The other year next door but one let off display fireworks and it killed some of my animals the noise made them drop dead. So tonight they did it again... Hardly the 5th ! Pet Rabbit frantic .. But even worse they decided to point display ones too low and at our houses... I was outside as they went off and suddenly me my bike .. My kitchen roof all got bombarded with burning debris .. I had embers everywhere ... The trees all got hit .. I won't know if any damage has been done t morning .. I was putting my bike away I could hear other people really pissed off with them.. It continued and more stuff came down . I had to run down to their garden and yell at them .. I told them point the dam things away from the houses.. Then they did it again and I heard several back doors bang and it stopped I guess others had gone down and yelled at them. These were those huge fireworks they have in displays ..... In a back garden ! They were going everywhere... The only reason I didn't laugh was due to them causing my animals to die the other year doing the same and then seeing embers landing on my bikes I was frantically trying to get them off .. Big chunks of burning embers . How the roofs didn't go up or the trees I have no idea!
Steve, I bow to your superior knowledge and stand corrected. My point stands though - I don't revs it up at 2am just to annoy the neighbours...
yeah, I do, obviously, but I don't rev the tits off it at unsociable hours for three weeks just for fun. If I did, I'm sure my neighbours would have something to say about it. The worst thing is not the bangs, it's not knowing when they're coming. If it was, say one week at say 8pm every night, that would be ok, but it's almost every night for now over three weeks at any time after 6pm. When am I supposed to walk the bloody dog?