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Has anyone scrapped their Multi's pegs?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mac, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. I took the centre stand off about a fortnight into ownership due to scary amounts of whackage: part of the problem was that, riding with balls (of feet) on pegs at speed, your heels push down the centre stand tang, making the problem worse just at the time when you don't need it. I don't do knee-down on the road, ever, but I do go through toe sliders at a fair rate. Interestingly, my Daytona boots don't touch down anything like as much as my S-MX Plus. Of course, if you use positive counter-steering to turn the bike faster, the ultimate lean angle needed for a given speed is less so you can keep the lumpen bits off the deck. [Edit: as noted previously by kope999R - that'll teach me to read threads after posting…]
    #21 Technomad, Jun 17, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
  2. He speaks the twooth, The angel your bike needs to be to scrape the pegs means your toe normally hits first. I thought at first it was because I'm heavy and the rear spring was week but I have an upgraded spring now and it still happens.
  3. never drug anything on my Multi... But a neighbor let me have a go on his Harley once and i drug the exhaust all the way through a long sweeping right hander...
  4. That's a top past participle!!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. A previous bike of mine (not a Duc) used to ground everything.

    I had to remove the centre-stand after it lifted the back wheel off the deck on a roundabout. I had to hammer the side-stand up out of the way when that started touching down. I was meantime losing the pegs when I hit upon the idea of flipping upright the inside peg prior to the corner and balancing my toes on the edge of it. That actually worked.

    Or put another way - get a sports bike.
    Although ... I have touched down the side-stand on my 750S. So, get a better sports bike :D
  6. O hang off more in MotoGP stylee!
  7. I found that my toes hit first on the PP.
    Very scary the first time it happened as I wasn't expecting it!
  8. Wow, just seen their pricing..... And availability.... Sold out.... How many people do they take at once and how long is the training?
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