Having second thoughts

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by jcmental, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. The internet is awash with forums extolling the virtues, both good and bad, from Multistradas, through aircraft, through fridges and toasters. The forum is a conduit for such issues as owners want to find out information about an issue or a burning question they may have.

    I will bet that the Multistrada or in fact any other Ducati has no more or no less issues than any other marque of bike. Want to find a problem with a gas gas go to a trial bike forum, hopefully you get my Gist.

    My own purchasing ethos is not to rush out and buy the first model year, let others warm the water up, then jump in. Development is now three years down the line, most of the issues will have been ironed out and surely if the bikes were that crap residual values would be on the deck but they are not and its because they are extremely popular bikes and this forum only represents a tiny number of total Multistrada owners.

    I think three years of development has pretty much ironed out the vast majority of the issues so you would be pretty safe.

    I know that forking out 15+ grand on a bike, any bike, can be a gamble only you will know wether it one worth taking.
  2. Ive got a 2012 and had every issue there is too have.... plus some :rolleyes:
  3. I had loads of issues but a good psychiatrist sorted me out.............oops sorry it's a bike forum
  4. If you think you're sorted out, I'd ask the trick cyclist for your money back.

    As for problems with the bike, my main one is that work keeps getting in the way of me riding it!

    I've got a 2011 build bike and to date have had zero issues with it.

    Then again, my last 3 Ducatis were pretty much problem free too.
  5. on waht bike can you slam 150 lts of cases, hop 2 up to the track, dump the cases, change setup by a switch, hit 150 mph at the end of the straight, put both knees down, outbrake some supersports, smack the cases back on an do a 14 day mountain trip in full comfort?

    what bike turns on a dime, kicks like a mule and let's you stroll at ease almost everywhere?

    And does this way above average?

    I J U S T L O V E I T
  6. Ok I get it. I'll keep my gob shut untill my money comes through then decide.
  7. One cannot judge the purchase of a bike by what you read on the forums. There are i believe 25000 mutleys out there. There are perhaps 700??? members here, and they are looking for information on various topics. So if one is looking for a fault on Suspension ECU's you are likely to find the 5-6-10 persons that have had this error/problem. However 10-20 people with such an error is only a small percentage.

    So forums "magnify" the problem and one needs to bear that in mind.
  8. Is the seat that low? :tongue:
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  9. this is good advice (and mentioned before from memory). I bought an old Range Rover a year ago as a tow car despite all the reported dramas on the various fora and I loved it. The car had a few issues that were common to the vehicle. Some were relatively cheap to fix, others less so. Nothing too expensive. I loved every minute I owned it.

    I guess Multi ownership should be similar to Range Rover - do the research, go into it with your eyes open, get a warranty and maybe have a backup if this is an important form of transport for you.
  10. Ducbird, I'm 5'7" and thought the same so I originally bought the low seat then had my PP seat re-sculpted lower. Happy days. Feet nearly fully flat.
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