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1200 DVT Healtech Quick Shifter

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by NJW1967, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Really tempted to order this. It's the only thing I'm missing from my S1000R I had before.

  2. That's great news!

    Going to try and get out tomorrow so will try these and see how it goes.

  3. Thanks for the update Python, I'm ordering one on Monday .

  4. Thanks for the replies guys.
    I'm coming from a 1299S panigale which I traded in for the Multistrada PP (I've always owned supersports before, but the power of nowadays supersport bikes is simply not useable on open streets anymore...but that might just be me).
    When comparing the oem blipper of the panigale to this aftermarket Healtech quickshifter (I'm only talking about the upshift function here), the Healtech shifter is just as good (if not better) than the oem Ducati shifter...and the blipper on the panigale was VERY good.

    What I'm trying to say.... Best bit of kit ever! I must admit, the Healtech stuff is really good. Installed their exhaust servo eliminator before riding today. 2min job and absolutely no problems (no engine lights while having the exhaust servo unplugged). Ok, no real power gains, but a little better sounding nonetheless.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  5. Hi guys
    Having difficulty locating the plug ???
    Removed seat side panel and can see some plugs but nothing marked with INJ ?
    Plugs i can see look to have more than 3 wires on left side?
    Do i need to take the tank off ?

    Regards Neil

  6. I'm really keen to try one of these, but can anyone provide feedback about how good they actually are in relation to good reliable units such as Translogic, HM etc?

    Seen good feedback on here but then negative feedback about them fitted on other makes & models, although admittedly this was when they first came out...
  7. Sorted panic over :grinning: found the plug its the furthest one away right at the back what a pig to get the plugs un cliped from the mount but im there now

    Regards Neil
  8. Well guys
    Fitted the Healtech QS and I must say I'm very impressed
    However !!!!! My engine management light came on today!!!!
    Has any one else experienced this issue ?
    I have rang Ducati dealer told them the light is on and they said run two heat cycles fan on let temp drop then allow to cool for a while then do the same again!!!
    I have disconnected the QS plugged the injector plugs back in as per standard Done this light still on !!!!
    So I don't know if this is a coincidence or whether the QS caused it I'm going to try get it in to the dealer in the morning to get a diagnostic done.
    What I will say is I'm totally at a loss why Ducati did not fit one a standard as it makes a great bike into a guided missile I really need it back on and working love the QS just a bit pis##ed of with engine management light on

    Regards Neil

    I have been back to the dealer today and had the bike on the diagnostic system they said it was showing a MISS TIMING of the rear cylinder they said it was a minor code as the management light was yellow and if it was serious it would go red!
    I asked them what would cause this and they said it could be a miss fire or sensor that did not read correctly!!! or it could just be a freak happening.
    I have not re connected the QS as yet and the light stayed off all the way home.
    My question now is do I re connect it to see if it brings the fault back ?
    Maybe I will email Healtech and ask them if they have heard of this problem and wether I could have a faulty unit


    Regards Neil
    #49 NJW1967, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
  10. Hi Mark,
    I am pleased with mine. Only negative was it played up on one occasion when the air temp was just above zero. I think it could have been the rubber sensor becoming less sensitive as it "froze". Otherwise it has worked really well.
    Realitively easy to fit
    No horrible rods etc across the crankcase
    Bluetooth makes it a doddle to play with the cut off times.
  11. After a weekend at Pannonia race track I provide you my optimal setup for the Healtech quickshifter on Multi DVT:
    Imp. 0.5
    3000 - 10500 rpm
    20 ms
    Noise filtering active (needed at high revs and speed)
    75 ms (Is not fully smooth when shifting to 2nd. But 80 and 85 resulted in front's dive in higher gears)

    • Like Like x 1
  12. Hi Guys
    I have finaly got to test my QS after been away for two weeks working
    All seems good now no engine managment light after having it re set by Ducati dealer
    Only problem i am experiencing now is false neutral between 4th and 5th gear?
    There is no patern as somtimes its ok and then randomly it just misses the gear if i could sort this i would be a happy boy
    Appreciate any feedback
    Regards Neil

  13. Neil, i am about to fit one of these, how did you unclip the plug? did you have to lift the tank.

  14. Andy
    I dont recall removing anything however it is the furthest away on the left hand side under the tank, i seem to remember using a small 90deg hook to release the clip that holds the plug.
    Mine was a bugger to get to

    Good luck Neil
  15. Thanks Neil, going to give it a go tonight.
    How are you getting on with it?
  16. Yea on the whole it's good just a few missed gears now and then maybe thats me but overall very impressed

    Regards Neil
  17. Hi Neil,
    I too have had the engine management lite come on and go off, Dealer looked at code at was same as yours regarding rear cylinder fuel injector. Turned off the QS via Ipad not the jumper plug and light came didnt come on for a couple of days( touring in the Picos). Turned QS back on and no light for a few days then it came on and went off a few days later. Since then no reoccurrance in over 600 miles.
    Dealer said same as yours, no need to worry and I dont.

    I also get false neutrals occasionally between 5 and 6. But overall still well pleased.
  18. Woooooooooooooooooooooow
  19. Have you fitted one?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Yes! Outstanding performance!
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