Skipping ahead. Not sure if CAN.... or want to... I am diabetic... I went keto and it is gone (Type 2) I wish you the BEST OF LUCK! If you really do not think you can slow it, or stop it. Go see everything while you can and leave the camera home. Rex
Gtreetings Daisymay! Sad to read of your eyesight fading mate. You've a super nice clean bike there. Welcome to the forum.
Many of us here have been around the block and for one reason or another realize that life is too short to waste and time is of the essence. Those many of us are also getting to be a bunch of old farts and are desperately clinging to what's left of our youth too... So, this Sunday my son and his girlfriend are coming into town for awhile(in the process of moving from California to Washingron DC). They signed up to do a trackday at a local track and want me to join them. It's been on my bucket list and you may have provided the added reminder/nudge of encouragememt to get me out there. Welcome to the forum and ride till you can't ride no more!!