Bienvenu a la DucatiForum! Tu vraiment as trois tres belles ‘becanes! C’est la loi du site qu’il y a une poubelle dans cheque photo de machine! Oui..c’est fou mais...
Welcome on board I had a crazy night in La Rochelle last summer at the La Cave de la Guignette. Great place
C'est tres important quand vous prenez une photo une poubelle est visible dans Le photo. Desolate, mai les mortards ici son tres bizarre. Bievenue, c'est pas un forum c'est un hopital phychiatrique. Je parle Francais comme une vache Espanol
He is forgiven the French do not have bins at the house they have to go to the communal bins. All set out in nice rows and different, brown and blue with big swinging lids.
You mucky person. I would never use such a phrase. You might have to explain what a branlette is. Definitely not GCSE French.
welcome. we usually have one or two weekends a year riding in your local area with Tony at always the best four days riding of the year, great empty roads and fantastic hospitality!
Lovely trio bonjour Please could I have a French bin picture we like them it keeps me Welcome into our mad house