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Hello From Gloucestershire

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Duc_Badger, Dec 12, 2022.

  1. Thanks for the prompt Mac. The Meetup group is here, we do meet fairly regularly for a social and manage a few ride-outs during the season, usually into Wales or the Cotswolds. Have been a little less active this last year, must try harder in 2023. We did manage a mini tour to Normandy/Brittany in May though.

    Tim is a top bloke, what he doesn't know about working on Ducatis isn't worth knowing. He's very busy though, you'll need to book in advance.

    I have an OBDStar iScan Diagnostic Tool that lists the GT1000 as compatible. Though reprogramming the clocks is probably well beyond it's capabilities. Assuming that they're electrically driven from a sensor it could be that swapping the sender unit could be the answer, though if that would make the dial read correctly against the kph face is another matter... Ask Tim if you can get hold of him.
    #41 Bumpkin, Dec 21, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022
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  2. Hi Bumpkin,
    thank you for all the information, I've had a look at the coding and there appears to be a setting for a multiplication factor for the odometer but that isn't going to get me far as the speedo markings won't match and the odometer will still have the km reading but it will then increase in miles if I change the setting. I believe the mileage can be set in a new set of clocks but I haven't found any detail on converting kmh only clocks to mph. I've also been trying to find a set of GT1000 or SC1000 clocks but those I've seen were a bit pricey.
    I'll get in touch with Tim in the new year if I can't make any progress
    #42 Duc_Badger, Dec 21, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022
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