I’ll be honest, I’d rather them not touch it, after speaking to MD racing & they said how complicated it is I’d rather get it done there later in the year.
If I was looking for a Multi right now to actually use and not worry about I would keep an eye on the price of this CAT N - not much damage and could be a bargain if it goes for the right money. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/303505605099
that's so true, but I guess bikes get transported to 3rd world countries and they use them. I say this because I see on youtube people in India riding R1s, Ducati Diavels, and I wonder how the hell they afford that when I had to get a second job part time just to afford my bike.
Hi and welcome to to the Ducati forum great choice of bike I has a 2012 PP and absolutely love it Just has the Desmo service on mine yes it was expensive but for me worth it When you do purchase we need pictures asap
Hi, thanks for the welcome! Should be Saturday morning now, I’m all insured & ready to go, just waiting on delivery!!