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Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Paulvt1, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. Got it back home. Didn't have as much time on it as hoped (waiting for C. Stand to turn up) but i'm well chuffed with it. Feels so small and light - but comfy with it. A practical Ducati. Whatever next. Dave and the lads at JHP were top.
    Supposed to be sunny tomorrow...I know what i'll be doing.
  2. :) fingers crossed for a nice day
  3. Enjoy mate - the smile just gets bigger ans bigger! :biggrin:
  4. :) Trust me on this; better than sex.
  5. Howzitgoin with the bike ?????????????
  6. Bit quiet at the moment - work's getting in the way. Hope to get out on it this week though. I'll be happy if i can get it run in over winter all ready for spring..
  7. Went out today. Despite the weather and the road crud, had a great time - until i got a puncture in the rear tyre. Turns out it's a double puncture - so looks like a new rear hoop with under 600 miles on it. A new "personal best" for me...
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