It may be safe in a crash, but everything else about it awful really. I bought it after reading the same SHARPS site and trying one on at a local place (bought elsewhere as the price was pretty steep and they wouldn't get near it). It's hung up in the garage for if I ever get need to carry two pillions LOL - first one can use my Shoei XR instead. Barely enough room for your chin behind the guard. You are buggered if you are anything like Jimmy Hill. Wind noise is terrible at cruising speeds. The visor fogged like mad - the pinlock inserts don't seal properly at all no matter what you do. The visor doesn't sit properly against the rubber seal, so when you stop in the rain it leaks inside (and then causes even more fogging) Only positive is the price and bar the chin issue its actually quite comfy.
I bought a X-spirit 2 vermeulen colours for £280 brand new end of stock a few years back, if your willing not to go this year's model some bargains can be had for next to nothing....5 stars....
I have AGV S4, £150 and 5*s. Only trouble is its blue and I have a red bike now. Great helmet for the money. MCN recently but it top of sub £150 lids.
I had a Marushin in the 80s in Australia and it was superb. I see they are still around but a bit under the radar. Anyone have any experience of more recent ones?
That report is 6 years old. It's highly unlikely the tests haven't evolved in that time. The lab tests. Every time.
5 lids I've got; Arai, Schuberth, HJC, Caberg and LS2, in order of price. In order of sharp rating they come out: Schuberth, HJC, Caberg, Arai, LS2. Arai scored worst for side impact. I'll stick with my £100 HJC's I think.
The answer is a combination of both (IMO) People and in particular, car manufacturers were equally as critical about TRL* crash testing originally yet the 50/50 head-on test which originated there has now been accepted as a fundamental part of testing monocoque rigidity behaviour now. Volvo in particular were very scathing about this test and tried their best to prevent any work at Crowthorne from being taken seriously at the time. When car manufacturers revealed that recalls were based on how many fatalities were likely to happen if ignored, people realised that manufacturers weren't always looking at overall car safety from the same angle as the buyer/user. * Home - TRL