Sorry, I was not trying to rubbish anyone, and I apologise for that. I have seen the webpage in your link before, but it is a US webpage and the oil market in the US is very different to what we see over here. My wife has been a computer operator for 20 years but she has no idea about the workings of the operating system on a PC. I spent all of my life in the aircraft industry where oils were analysed in an early failure detection centre after every oil change. (Piston and jet engines). I was involved in pushing the overhaul intervals of the Tornado's engine gearboxes to 3 times the manufacturers intervals after evidence from things like oil analysis. I'll bang out of this thread for fear of upsetting other members.
oil and tyres lol ive just had my 899 serviced and they stuck 15-50 in there (at great expense), definitely seems to be running and sounding a bit smoother than the 15/40 i used previously although that could just be in my mind
Interesting. How come these Super Puma's keep dropping out the sky? I'm interested because I travel on the buggers quite often. Eeeek... I know it's gearbox failure but there is a pertinent lubrication interface there I'd imagine...
Glad there still grounded at the moment, thats our normal chopper for working offshore too, upto three hours some days!!!
Sorry, haven't read all the thread. How often should i be changing the oil? Once a year? What do i do with the old oil too? (i'm a bit clueless)
Doesn't mention that anywhere. Surely they would have to advertise the fact if that is so? I would of thought.
How can it be out of date? You don't eat oil. Most oil has laid around under the earths surface for millions of years.
once a year or every 2k mls. If you do track days then more often. If you lay her up over winter do it in the autumn so she sits in nice clean oil. Old oil goes in a milk bottle (plastic) and taken to the tip. But i'm told its really good for painting your shed. That's what I do anyway.
And that is his opinion. I am with Ducati on this one and change once a year or every 7500 miles as Ducati tell you to in the handbook. I would suspect that Ducati put millions into research on when to service things and I am prepared to believe them. But it is your bike and you can either do what a bloke said on the internet or what the bike manufacturer tells you to do.
Not wishing to start an argument, however. Imagine if Ducati said change oil every 2k mls? How would that go down? I expect the service teams would be happy. If oil/filter is £35 that's around 0.0175 pence per mile to my shoddy math. Compared to petrol, tax, insurance, tyres, depreciation,etc i think that's pretty good value. Again, just the opinion of some bloke off the internet.