okay, understood now but your first post was 'a little misty' in that area . Re: 'never having a van', can relate to this but in my case it is/was large equipment like an engine hoist etc as you can wear yourself out asking/waiting for when it's returned - even considered buying another one once.. "friends are those" etc.
I completely feel your pain. I’m on my 3rd set of spring compressors. I no longer even see these things as loans, more like gifts. Sorry I was misty earlier.
Click here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2015-DUC...755348&hash=item3d62a0492d:g:2PUAAOSw64ha5wGn zoom in on pic 2 and you will see the exact location of engine number, a right pig to get to but try getting a mirror or a phone in there to take a pic.
One of these help? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.co.uk/ulk/itm/132559253615
Simmy, you magnificent bastard. Thank you. I’m going to go and see if I can see this on my mates bike right now. Hopefully I’ll be able to work out how to do it easier on the potential new bike later today.
I actually have one of those. I hadn’t thought of that. I’m going to try that now too. Back in a tic.
Doesn’t mean it’s anymore easy to find. And on that very same thread, several of the posters said they couldn’t find it/ it was somewhere else. I’m about to find out either way.
Here is a pani engine for sale which appears to show the engine number location, any help? Look at the very last picture and you can see the numbers at the top of the engine just below the top cover https://www.ebay.com/itm/DUCATI-PANIGALE-1199-R-2013-ENGINE-PARTS-OE/232750538594
Nope. Not a fucking thing. Why, Ducati, why? Why make something people might need to see impossible to see?
Really? It’s at the front? All the threads said at the rear! Jesus Christ I feel so dumb now. It’s definitely a fairings off job then. Going to try that now.
It’s clear that you are a very forgiving person, not to mention a generous one, it’s a nice trait isn’t it?