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Here we go. Thread deletion starts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Moved to lounge :smile:
  2. Abuse. Personal or otherwise
  3. definate change since the service was down to move servers
  4. Straightforward enough! :)
  5. ahhh cybermen you will be deleted !
  6. so calling my other half a fuckwit is not allowed?
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  7. God some people make it so difficult.

    Would you walk up to a stranger in a pub and say it? If so say it, if not dont. Easy as that.
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  9. Only behind closed doors. But we know he is anyway :smile:

    Or is he a fucktard? I can never remember :frown:
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  10. Yep, the pub comparison is a good'un. Consider the forum to be your local bar (lounge bar, naturally, no hob-nobbing with the Yamaha riders), and conduct your business in the same vein. It's okay to laugh, it's more than okay to put the world to rights - even more so if you've had a few, but if you get out of order you should expect to get booted up the arse, or at the very least for the barman to spit in your mild...
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  11. if its a question of saying stuff to someones face then its OK then cool - say that to him all the time

    wind em up and let em go I say
  12. calm down dear :wink:

  13. But unlike your local you can just come back in using another forum name...............................
  14. I may drift off topic but I dont think I've said anything on here that I wouldnt say in the real world

    and I do think there is less drifting these days

    but at the end of the day IRDGAF
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  15. Cant we have ASBO type avatarts for some and little angel avatars for others?

    With repeat offenders (or is that offensors?) given multiple X's next to their avatar? A bit like those magnficent men in their flying machines?
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  16. mood swings available every 20 minutes
  17. or a carat system - 24 carat bastard on board
    18 carat fuck-wit
    9 carat dissenter
  18. that wouldn't work. I know some 24 carat fuckwits :rolleyes:
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  19. at least now ive some ideas of where im putting my tax disc :eek:
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