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Here we go. Thread deletion starts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. I agree
  2. matt referred to 'personal abuse' in an earlier thread. Perhaps this issue falls on a distinction between personal abuse, and piss-take. I dont know.
    Always a tough one to call.

    p.s. also a sense of proportion-how many threads in total on the site vs the presumably small/tiny number that are moderated.?
    #102 TT600, Feb 25, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013

  3. Fig the keeping threads on topic post started the feeling off I felt it myself
    Before that we kinda kept ourselves in check and moderated
    The forum is a nice place to be because we made it so with a bit of banter
    Granted some threads were hi-jacked but as long as the OP is ok with that there shouldn't be a problem
    If there is then perhaps the OP could ask that it stops rather than the feeling that there are some contacting Rob.
  4. The average age on this forum is about 45 or 50. You could be forgiven for thinking it was 14 or 15. There isn't a head teacher you know. I can't imagine that Matt or Rob are doing anything more than removing personal abuse and putting threads in the right bits of the forum. What's the fuss supposed to be about? I haven't really noticed any difference here compared to a few months ago.

    There do seem to be a lot of twisted knickers around for no really good reason. Chill out, people!
    • Like Like x 3
  5. Mine are always twisted :)
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  6. Where has anyone said we can't have a bit of banter? Just get on with it, enjoy the forum, and don't take it to heart if someone gets the 'ump. Keep it light, people, and the forum will continue to grow.
  7. Pics..?
  8. Apparently I don't wear any
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  9. Let's have a group hug :)
  10. I might make an arse of myself
  11. not showing anybodys knickers .............might find horsemeat in them seems to be every where else !
  12. I had some Findus chips this evening.

    Something vaguely horsey about them.
  13. [​IMG]
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  14. more likely to find a badly packed kebab.....
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  15. I like that tie. :upyeah:

    I have been seriously thinking of getting t-shirts printed up with Get The FUCK Out Of My WAY on them, for office use. :smile:
  16. Hahahaha love it
    I want one
  17. Yeahhhhhh
  18. Really, a sentiment like that from peolpe who are 'nice'?! ;-)
  19. Heh. Paul, walk around for the day in my office, trying to get things done and then get back to me :smile:
  20. Whats with the threat of violence then? Bit OTT isnt it?!
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