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Here we go. Thread deletion starts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Has the "Lounge" section been deleted then? :rolleyes:
  2. Umm, Steve, were you and Pete married at some point? Seems like unfinished business or something?
  3. Steve

    How's she looking these days Steve? i.e. can we have some bevel porn?
    • Like Like x 1
  4. I think you're being overly sensitive. Sure Pete has a point of view, as we all do. His arguments are always well constructed and presented IMO. Whether you agree with them is entirely up to you. And if you don't then you can always submit your own reasoning.

    • Like Like x 2
  5. Thanks for your reply Steve. I sort of get what you are saying, not entirely agreeing with it but respect that you have a point of view.
    I'm just glad you clarified how things are with you on the matter.

    For myself, sure, Pete has long hair but I forgive him. :smile:
    • Like Like x 1
  6. That's me...........

    .........and I'm old enough to have earned the right to be like it (and wear a purple hat) (I was going to say purple helmet, but thought better of it)

  7. Head to pavement...won throw first punch but finish a fight...if you don like it go elsewhere...plenty of direct and indirect references backed with sharing a place on IOM so nless his opinions are kept to himself said violence will occur.

    I can think of far worse trolls on here than him. And he sounds about 80!! ;-)
  8. Are you inferring that I'm a troll or that I'm 80?

    Oh alright then.....

  9. Yes :-D
  10. That's the last time I come round to fix your washing machine....

  11. I'm still waiting you seem to have lost your way :)
  12. You fibber......

    I liked the lingerie....
  13. :-D
  14. I'm sure Travelodge still have some of their £19 rooms available!
  15. Ah the ones stuck in the washing machine
  16. Any chnace of you guys tlling us what fery you have booked and if Spaggy has room for a few tents in the garden. This could be like the IOM of old. Kick offs and punch ups on the prom. Magnificent. Love you guys, you always make me smile!:upyeah:
  17. What for :)
  18. Stuck?.....Ugh!.........I'm glad you managed to get them out.......
  19. £19.....can't you read? :wink:
  20. Of course I can Al :)
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