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Here we go. Thread deletion starts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Personally I think the forum should adopt the following method to settle all arguments.

    In the opening few frames you can see the crowd made up of those who lost previous "debates"

    Big Train - Staring final - YouTube
    #161 Phartycr0c, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  2. Punch ups when you're in your 20s are all very well - pensioners in our 60s having punch ups would be something else!
  3. Step forward John Prescott?!!, ops sorry, politics (not really)
  4. Well.......I don't know about you Pete, but........even though I'm not in the best of health, I can still lose my rag a bit......and being a short*rse, it isn't pleasant.....not very dignified though.

  5. i could use one them ,im not racest i hate everybody !!
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  6. but dont you think it would be the gentlemanly thing to just let her have em back?
  7. how dare you leave out my own piss take stylings....i go out of my way to be an arsehole..i would have thought that deserved at least a brief mention...

    bloody typical....

    im gonna go squealing to the mods about this..
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  8. Too right ^ :mad: Funky for Queen I say
  9. heres a typical debate on ducati forum....just imagine the dialogue as a series of posts:

    from 1.33 is the most approriate..(bit of colourful language-so be careful if youre easily excited)...

    #169 funkyrimpler, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  10. I like being in Viv's knickers.......

  11. Arsehole? Mebbe..........Twat?.........most definitely :wink:

  12. A quality clip that.

    .........So which one of you is most like the bloke with the bat?

    ....I'm the one on the balcony. :biggrin:
    #172 Wrecked, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  13. thanks for the link - excellent drunken acting, very hard to master only a few manage to do it well - often the easiest route is to get drunk for real
  14. Apparently, the trick to acting drunk in a convincing fashion is to try to act sober. Some lovey came up with that and I'm sure it's right :smile:
  15. must be great if you are paid to do the researching :)
  16. Sincere and profound apologies, your posts are extremely entertaining and the "arsehole quotient" is exceptionally high.
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  17. Did you see embarrassing bodies last night? Now that was an arsehole, jees that must've been sore!
  18. I did by chance but maybe it was a repeat on anoher '4' channel as I don't remember the arsehole. The one I watched included a bloke who had his penis and one testicle ground away when run over as a kid. Makes you feel kinda lucky don't it?
  19. Rita Sue and Bob too. That takes me back. Filmed in Bradford, many of the elements shown were present in my early life. The estate was Buttershaw well known to me but I didn't live there. Classic filming. It really was something like that.
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  20. Ah......George Costigan........he doesn't half play an evil b*gger well.....
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