Really though, was trawling through forums looking at stuff on this bullshit bug. Couldn't help but notice such a massive attitude difference between you's lot and those pistonheads homo's !! I posted one thread suggesting this may be bollox (may not but may be) and the bunch of pansies went fucking bezerk and deleted my entire thread, so stumbled across all you Ducati benders boxing it out and thought hey, I could offer an opinion or two of (probable) complete horse shit to that !!! So, here I am
My two-year-old asked me why there are so many complete pansy-asses on Pistonheads and I honestly did not know how to respond to her.
In this place of all places, I don't wish to say, but I have had it 2 years in June and still have absolutely no intention of getting rid. Even rode the 2020 last week, preferred the 17-19 models.
Didn't have time to pop back and change the tape to Davebird, plus the fact I am fecking grounded !! (PS, just noticed the ducbird on the bin looks chinese.... Coincidence ?? Hmm...)