Mad Northerners disease..... Been up here 10 years and married a Northern lass so I'm done, a proper northern convert ;-)
Well Viv you managed to completely hijack and ruin another perfectly good newbie's thread.....the thread police will be here in a minute....I best as what colour the 1098 is!
Ok I'll translate for you greggs stalkers "good evening my dear chap one is positively beaming at the mere prospect of said gentleman visiting our fine abode and would be so delighted to partake in tea and tiffing, and have at once dispatched my good butler Tarquinius to arrange the scones and jam forthwith " Ie allo ya fackin norven pie munchers xxx
Yeah dukes a wannabee norfener too! He still struggles with the lingo though whenever I ask him if he wants owt he persists on telling me despite my bad habits of belching and farting he is in this relationship for life!! Slight communication breakdown!!!