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Hi from sunny Sheffield

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Eze, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. Could do :upyeah:
  2. Viv ....... NO!!!!!!! Jodie marsh needs to be belt fed ....... Ie belt fed machine gunned ..... Or better still pecked to death by ravens !!!!!
  3. Good job I'm here keeping an eye on you :-D
  4. Yeah....her boat race, I take it your talking about!
  5. Lol it's the only belt dress I could think
    Just tippex the face out
  6. Right off to bed to show Mrs Ez who da 40yr old virgin really is !!

    Nice speaking with you all hope
    To catch up soon, I'll get some random pics of bike etc up soon !


    Over and out ;-)
  7. Too much info :)

    Told you it was mad here
  8. Ok mate I'll explain that one to pix ......viv the last word please......
  9. Too late....It didn't really work tho, the marker pen just stays still on the screen :frown:
  10. Keep the picture still then lol
  11. 110 relies in one night????? There are going to be lots of emails sitting in your inboxJeez :biggrin: Any, hello and welcome to our corner of the web :upyeah:
  12. Hi and welcome to the Anth and Viv show!!!
  13. ^^ Hijacked Show ;-) ^^
  14. So many replies, thanks peps.....Oh and I'm not even a woman !!!!!
  15. I am but only on Thursday's
  16. We like to welcome our newbies :)
  17. Nice Barnsley is looking more promising ;-)
  18. Jeez, don't know if i'm glad I was out last night and missed this or if I should have stayed in and watched this develop! Much funnier than tv that's for sure!!!!! Welcome to you from Norfolk, if you're ever down this way let us know and you're more than welcome to tea and crumpets ( I believe they're known as pieclets oop north)
  19. Thanks Arch
  20. ** Archer

    Were in Norfolk ? Are you from inway or chance ?
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