Hi, sorry to be a pain, is there a list of forum sections somewhere? I can't seem to find it, I can of course see the recent and new posts but if I wanted to search through older posts of a particular type, is there a way to do that please? Also does anyone has a strong hand they could slap me with? I haven't slept a wink, literally not a wink thinking about this new bike, I am 48 for god sake, not a 13 year old waiting for a new bmx on christmas eve, 19 hours to go, can I go another night without sleeping? by the time I get the bike I will be in no fit state to ride it
oh wow, after days of looking I see it right there in front of my face 30 seconds after asking the question, doh! sorry
On a PC in a browser click the FORUMS tab at the top of the page On a phone (tablet too ?) select menu and then forums. Search function works well, but will return everything containing any of the words you use, so if you search for 'multistrada tyres' I think you will get all threads / posts containing 'multistrada' and all threads / posts containing 'tyres'. (happy to be corrected if i'm wrong) EDIT - ok, I was too slow.