Price increased to £2222.22 due to impending Scotish independence , firm, no offers, OIRO, OIEO, offers invited. (So someone can get £300 and feel like they have a "great deal").
Please, someone buy this.... I’m beginning to lose sleep about this. If it’s going to affect Scottish Independence, me and Finm are going to crowdfund it and repaint it with a Saltire and a giant “Freeeeeedum” sticker. If it’s a political Fireblade, the Ducatiforum might crash out of eBay without a deal and no-one will be able to buy a bike in future and the market will crash and there won’t be any news left and we’ll have to just stare at pictures of kittens and videos of people jumping mobility scooters off ramps... Society as we know it will end. For the love of god, someone, please..... (Bumped for you. )