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House Burgled Whilst Abroad

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Etherion, May 19, 2017.

  1. What wanky news !!

    It's one of the reasons I leave bike and car keys so they can be easily found. It's only metal and that's what insurance is for :)

    Hope you get it sorted quickly and your wife isn't too upset when she gets back
  2. Police will need to do a report and should include taking fingerprints etc. Don't touch anything until they've done and given all clear.
  3. Just a quick update - bikes and keys are safe - ransacked the bedroom and found both keys to the audi. They weren't content with just 1 key - although they discarded the emergency key. so far everything else they seem to have left behind. Apparently forensics team has been around already as there is black power over all the window frames and no finger prints. The window funnily enough doesn't look damaged although police mentioned these type of windows are very commonly used and extremely easy to break in...
    Police will be coming around today to speak to the wife.
    I will be moving the bikes away and looking at alarm/upgraded windows as a deterrent although against targeted cars - i'm not sure which one is worse - easier entry or having someone infront of me demanding keys...

    Again, wanted to thank everyone for the offers to help.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  4. Not nice in any way shape or form, although from what you know, looks like they were "only" after the car, no doubt it will be used for other crimes or at very least on its way to Eastern Europe. Hope you get sorted
  5. Not nice in any way shape or form, although from what you know, looks like they were "only" after the car, no doubt it will be used for other crimes or at very least on its way to Eastern Europe. Hope you get sorted
  6. Get a bloody good hard wired alarm. Fit sound bombs inside home( basically small versions of what's on wall outside) so if alarm goes off the home is flooded with unbearable sound , wire the alarm to garage and to all outside doors, it should be programmed so you can part set it ie when in house or in bed and covers entry doors garage downstairs etc. lastly have it connected to an auto dialler that ring pre programmed numbers in event of an alarm.
    My most important advice is not to live in Fort Knox this is your house your home and remember you will be told to fit window locks door locks more secure windows etc but remember if there is a fire in the home you must be able to escape. Good luck
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Relief about the bikes (cars can be replaced) so shit for you all!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. As an ex-director of an alarm and communications manufacturer this is all good advice (above).
    If your budget can bear it consider having vibration / contacts on all accessible windows (ground floor and any with flat roof access). These may be wireless to help with the install, you can get hybrid wired / wireless systems.
    In southern Ireland it is common practice to have the windows / perimeter doors on a local alarm 24/7, so that you know if anyone tries to force their way in while occupied.
    Lots of lights at night with good street / neighbour viability. It's no good having security lights that just help the burglar see what he's doing (unless it is to alert you in the home).
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Glad to at least here the bikes are ok, sorry for everything else. Hope you get everything sorted without to much more stress. As said, if you need anything just call.
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