Sounds quite confusing to me too. But numbers in foreign languages are invariably confusing. Many people revert to their mother tongue for calculations, even if they are fluent in another language. And that includes me. As for musical notes, it's a nightmare. CDEFGABC Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si-Do It comes as no surprise that I keep thinking that Do is D, and that Si is C. Fa for F is OK, as is La for A. Sol doesn't make me think of anything much, so I have understood it is G. B being Si is a nightmare and Mi doesn't sound that much like E. But Re for D? You're having a laugh.
Pashto has 46 character alphabet with most characters having a different form depending whether they are the first, last or have letters both sides. Some letters don't change at all. There are 5 variations of this ي which convey gender or plurality or tense depending on how it's used but they all sound the same. There is a separate letter for each of these; r and rr, n and nn, t and tt, d and dd. There are 2 shhhhh sounds or two khhhhhhh sounds depending on your dialect. Plus 2 types of s, t and 3 types of z. Luckily no one out here can read so spelling is not such an issue. They also have an oblique case tense. So if it's a plural noun used as an object, used in a sentence in one of the past tenses, inside a split preposition the the word changes. How it changes depends on the gender and plurality.
The script is just amazing and I am jealous that it means anything to you. I'd love to learn Arabic script - possibly the most beautiful writing. But I always got the impression that the moment you started learning Arabic, you'd end up with the Koran. It just seems all-pervasive. Maybe I'm wrong.
You're entirely wrong. But taking on an Indo-iranian language does mean taking on an awareness of religion purely as a method of understanding the person you are speaking to. I've never studied the Quran but I have an awareness of the religion through dealing with people. In terms of the script, it's easy. I learned it in a single day. (Boxing Day 2009) There's a limited number of shapes. With dots or squiggles indicating the sound. I'll put as many as I can using an iPhone of one type. خ ح ج چ څ ځ These aren't in order, but from right to left... Khay, hay, jim, Che, tse, and dze They all share the same shape so join in the same way. At the start: خين حين جين جين چين څين ځين In the middle: لخي لحي لجي لچي لڅي لځي And at the end; ليخ ليح ليج ليچ ليڅ ليځ There are only a few letter shapes with dots or squiggles. Once you learn one you learn them all. There's a few more rules but it really is dead simple. And means I can write as a lefty without getting ink smudged. Huzzah! Here is a sentence saying 'I am writing pashto' with all the letters separated and then joined up as they should be so you can see how it goes. ز ه پ ښ ت و ل ي ک م زه پښتو ليکم
Extremely cool. I write italic and have difficulty finding nice pens as no one seems to be interested in italic nibs any more. I wonder if they are easy to find in the Arab world?
I suspect they may be, but not where I am. No one can write. If you enjoy the writing as much as the pen have you considered the old school pot of ink with reed or what ever it is? You can your own angles and have a big play around. I am not a fan of ink as I smudge it in English and can't get the pens to work writing right to left. There Is a lot of word art in Islamic cultures. I went to the Ismaili centre in Dushanbe, which is a learning centre and definitely not a mosque as it's not allowed over that way, nudge nudge etc. any way, the pattern on the carpet was a repeated pattern with a decipherable Islamic saying. The brick pattern, the window shape, the roof tiles. Really quite amazing. Even a wooden screen which under careful examination could be seen to say the name of their final prophet. A very interesting place and in my opinion one of the best ways of trying to preach Islam; through an open invitation to attend and by free education for anyone, regardless of one's attendance at services. A very interesting day out, that one.
Thanks all. I've been saying nine nine nine for years, but it occurred to me that I might be saying it all wrong and just look like a fool amongst the Ducati cognoscenti.
Your not looking hard enough? this might help as a start point -http://The Fountain PenNetwork its a bit american, but a useful source of info re brands etc I have always liked writing with a fountain pen, ever since i could write. i have all my pens since i started school, and ones bought since- normal and italic - and also have ones my dad used when he was (alive) and working. I find that a fountain open slows my writing down, otherwise its close to that of a Dr, writing a prescription - most unreadable apart from the first word , except to me... Ive got stored somewhere - written down , naturally- one or two other 'pen' related sites- ill try and dig them out - they may aid your search for the style/type of pen/nib combo you may be seeking/putting on your xmas pressie list. edited to add this link...... The Writing Desk FAQ and Reference Section: Fountain Pen Specialists established 2000. Fountain Pens and Fine Writing Instruments, Fountain Pen Ink, Quality Stationery and Premium Writing Accessories. all things 'letter writing' and did you know, there is an annual "Writing Equipment Show' in London - that is one hard day-long booziest, i bet....