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how much do i charge.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Treat them in exactly the same way you expect to be treated yourself. You know that's the right answer
  2. Yeah! Charge them three times the normal rate. That'll learn 'em!
  3. Oh I agree .... Totally , and history would suggest that the French don't give a fat rats arse about anyone but themselves , so we are back to " fuck them ! ":)
    These arseholes came over here and bombed the Rainbow Warrior for no better reason than they were exposing them for the pack of cnuts that they are, but in typical fashion , their conceit and confidence far outweighed their actual ability and we caught ,prosecuted and convicted them of the murderous act . They would probly still be in prison but the French insisted they serve their sentences in france , but when we released them into French custody the French immediately reneged on the deals done with the NZ govt and hailed these incompetent secret agents , convicted murderers , as national hero's .Its kind of sad that they had to scrape so low to find people suitable as French hero's , speaks volumes about the character of such a nation .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. If we can just limit the amount of racist rants, that would be great. Cheers
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  5. How many am I allowed :Angelic::) , and nothing racist about it , Im critical because of what they did , not who they are or where they come from
  6. Were these guys the ones who blew it up then?
  7. It's banter, Matt. Nothing more, nothing less.

    My experience of the Frenchman on the street is totally positive. I enjoyed working with them when we built a facility in France :upyeah:
  8. I don't know Bradders ,:Shifty: does one look like he might actually be a woman dressed as a man ( what am I saying .... he probly bloody does ... we need a "laughing my arse off " smilie ) , I strongly suspect that they are not Mafart and Prieur , but then I never thought they were:)
  9. guilty by association? nah just a bit of craic when i was having a coffee and a fag. i already have a price in my head. a nice bottle and a hand shake. there friends of my land lord i will slip some on to his bills as he is of German origin. :upyeah:
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  10. Ban him!!
  11. Yeah that's the problem, I get a bee in my bonnet about certain countries and the things they do/did, and ,TBH a lot is historic . This doesn't even make sense to me , but I see a difference between a country as a whole and the individuals that come from there. When it comes to the face to face stuff , I like people , I take them as I find them, and its not because I don't have the guts to speak my mind , I have no wish to offend and keep my opinions of whoevers homeland ( history ) to myself ................unless the fool presses my buttons , even then Im only interested in constructive discussion . I guess maybe I have a problem accepting the unfairness of the world , I mean we have Gaddafi , Mugabe ,Hitler, pol Pot ( and heaps of others ) .........why did the rest of the world just stand and watch while these despots destroyed either their own or someone else's country ( Mururoa Atoll ) .........what they did was appalling , and they should not be allowed to forget what they did. We are soon having the centennial of Gallipoli , for some its a celebration of a great battle , me ? , I wonder if the souls of the generals who sent all those young men to a senseless death feel shame for what they did . Hundred years , 10500 people ( limited to ) expected at Gallipoli . Least we forget
  12. mate please it was just a bit of craic lets get take it to seriously.
  13. Whats craic ? is it what the yanks call " busting chops " ?
    I aint all that serious:) , just don't want anyone to think Im a raving racial lunatic............coz Im not :)
  14. "craic" chewing the fat, bumping gums, blethering all the same thing. :smile:
  15. Cool Ta , I'll soon be speaking proper English at this rate :upyeah:
  16. Bloody rascist... :)
  17. don't take lessons from me, it will only make it worse. not unless you want to speak the garlic (west coast) or worse dorik (east coast)
  18. Forums are for talking bollocks and venting spleens. They're not to be taken seriously. This is a Ducati Forum. Its not the United Nations or Parliament. Its full of old geezers with weather like opinions which change and vary depending on whether they got their leg over recently. No-one thinks McTool is a racist. Plus the French are not a race :Chicken:. They are a Nation. Black dudes, Chinese, Indians etc. Thats a race.

    Raving lunatic? Well I think the jury is out on that. We should all be thankful he is on the other side of the world. :Angelic:
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  19. i would like to add i don't agree. i aint old.
  20. Raving lunatic? Well I think the jury is out on that. We should all be thankful he is on the other side of the world. :Angelic:

    :Wideyed: Sure! That's alright for you, but wadda bout me?! ;)
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