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how much do i charge.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. your old.
  2. Youre a raving lunatic too Dave. Otherwise you would not live next door to the Aussies. :p
  3. I'm as far away as I can get, while still being in NZ (well almost)
  4. Don't mention the war ;)
  5. its about the only thing i can talk about when it comes to wining. as you all know it was the scots that one the war.
  6. Yeah. The thin red line actually meant the thin ginger line.

    Front line berserkers for 300yrs.
  7. Yeah I wouldn't want me for a niebour ( I know where you live :D )
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. still here after 3 days and in again tomorrow, when where masts made of about 20 electric planed and milled 5mtr lengths of something right noisey and dusty when being workd? think i am having the piss ripped out of me.
  9. If you're breathing the dust in, it may be a good idea to find out what they are doing/using. ;)
  10. i know i am still picking splinters from my eyes.. they assure me that's the noisy bit done. thank god. so much for two days. (that was my landlords words, i should have known). its pretty interesting watching this thing take shape, neither one of them is a shipwright or joiner. so well done to them, not to sure i would want to take to the high seas with a lump of wood glued together with no 6"nails as a back up. i can post some pictures for any boat enthusiasts out there.
  11. a wee update. they came they left, no nice bottle no envelope what they did leave was 12 black bags of saw dust and probably the same amount settled in every nook and cranny in the work shop, cheers fellas.
  12. Who would've thought it, someone being tight in Scotchland...
    • Agree Agree x 1
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