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How often do you have to walk a dog

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by camelfarmer, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Do you want a leg or a tail ?
  2. Have this one [​IMG]
  3. I think this will be the best dog for you
  4. They just know how to press your buttons
  5. Agreed. Had a staffie at home since I was six and still got one now. Cheerful, friendly, daft as buggery, loyal and fiercely brave. As you say though they don't mind a scrap which has unfortunately attracted a lot of Burberry clad turds to them.

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  6. present model. first male. P1090956.JPG wont have another bitch to unstable.
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  7. Fairplay - if it had been me I suspect it would have been the "you've been a good dog Marley" speech...:eek:
  8. Whats a chav ?

  9. [​IMG]
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  10. Ah ha ! yeah we got them here too ( a certain sister in law springs to mind ) :)
  11. i think you better think it over again.
    11 hours everyday is a long time to leave a dog alone.
    he will get bord get destructive and that can indeed lead to agression.
    they need excersise to get rid of there energy and not only walking and running but also mental excersise.
    my bull terrier is more tired from goiing to the dog school for one houre then walking 3 hours straight.
    also what if he is sick and you have to leave him alone 11 hours.
    if i would leave my dog in the garden for 11 hours i think i find him back frozen to death.




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  12. Love the English Bulls. Daft as buggery.
  13. Yep, sounds like you need a puppy sitter, Henk hit the nail on the head, we can walk our pup for an hour and he will still have energy, he goes to puppy sitter and runs around a field with lots of new friends each week playing and he is knackered!! it's all about Mental stimulation as well though, granted our Spaniel by the nature of what they are, are pretty highly strung but all dogs need some interaction whether it be a radio that comes on for an hour so there are peoples voices, or a TV left on, or whatever really.
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  14. I used to leave the tele or radio on when I left my springer pups at home
    and the back door ajar
  15. Or at the very least freeze his nuts off .... who shaved his nuts Henk ?:)
  16. Hey camelfarmer , what about a donkey ?( :)Woot: Bootsam :D ) (unless, of course your wife's name is Jenny ) apparently there are heaps going spare ( free $) and they eat grass, wouldn't have to worry 'bout it chewing your shoes , but I guess it shitting on your lawn would cancel that out , your kids could ride it when it wasn't kicking or biting them:)
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  17. Haha,he like it short and trimmed.

  18. Could be worse I spose , one of the girls I used to work with has to regularly squeeze her dogs anal glands ( finger up its arse ):Vomit:.:Vomit:................. fuck that !, dogs aint that expensive or hard to find..........................bet she doesn't bite her nails or pick her nose:)
  19. Get a cat. Not only will it be happy to be left alone for 11 hours a day, it will actually prefer it. Gives them more time to plot evil...
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  20. 11 hours is way to long to leave a dog ...
    That's not good for them socially.
    If your going to leave a dog all day you should really have 2 for company and employ a dog walker.
    A lot of owners come home at lunch time.

    I love dogs and wanted another I thought about it last year.
    But I am at work 7 hours .
    I now do not get a lunch .

    I like to dash off places , I like to go out on my bike .

    Being on my own if I get ill which I do .
    I don't have a partner as back up.
    I was looking at a small dog another dachshund or a French Bulldog .
    I actually would love an English Bull terrier ! But no .

    All of the above need companionship .
    Bull breeds don't like being left and get bored.

    Dachshunds are very into everything and get bored.

    Getting a dog with that time away a day wouldn't work .

    As for an Akita !!!! No way !!!!!
    They are a very headstrong and a one person dog so not great for dog walkers.
    They require a lot of work and training ...
    They are I believe now on the dangerous flag up ... Not on the list but recognized as can be aggressive
    Now I am of the view that a well socialized trained dog with a good responsible owner is fine ( although any animal can turn )

    So for a first time owner
    For one who can't be there all day an Akita would be an accident wAiting to happen.

    Destructive .. But a bored dog is an unhappy dog .
    An unhappy dog can be aggressive .
    They are flagged up but not on the banned list.

    On Crufts the expert was asked " I'm at work all day and I want a dog "

    He said you want a soft toy because that's no life for a dog .

    It's like having a child they need that level of care and attention.

    Except you can't kennel children I've tried dam I've tried ;) but nope they won't take them.

    Wait till you have time .
    That's what I've chosen to do.
    Don't do it ..
    Think of it from the dogs viewpoint .
    Yes I miss my dog and yes I'd love another but no I'm too busy at work and flitting about
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