Just scroll through the page, you don't have to read every post. Look at the name of the poster and just not read it, I do just because it stops the page from being dis-jointed for me. You'd be doing the same in real life after all or at least I do, see someone you find disagreeable don't engage in anything other than hello/goodbye. Some folk you can just never agree with and some just only agree sometimes that's life.
Its a privately owned public forum. As a user you can choose what you want to see, and ignore/ block what you don't wish to see.
This was in relation to your comment on privacy. You can change who can see your profile on that link.
I've been on the cusp of doing the the same many times. Ignore feature didn't go far enough IMO. I'll give this ago, maybe it'll temp some of the departed contributors back that were hounded away/got pissed off.