How to clean your bike in 10 seconds

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mr C, Oct 15, 2013.

  1. I didn't realise my Grandad cleaned your bike too!! :biggrin:
  2. Yep. But my bike is clean.
  3. I wash my bike about once a year :wink:.
  4. Thats a top jumper as well, although a tad modern with that hood attachment.

    I clean my bike in a tweed jacket with brown leather elbow patches and baggy brown corduroy trousers. Bought on line from ''.

    Doesn't everyone?
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  5. I was actually wearing my tweed jacket with corduroy elbow patches and silk pocket square on Sat night. I do like a bit of tweed
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  6. Crikey!

    Are you also a marksman with the old blackboard rubber as well? able to leave a perfect chalk rectangle on a schoolboys blazer from five desk rows due to an unintentional ink blot on their graph of annual precipitation in the horse latitudes.

    If so that's a true life skill

  7. Like the cap - very distinguished. I shall be getting one for the winter (maybe several in different tweed blends to suit mood/outfit)!
  8. Good man, and without doubt a great improvement over these kind of things


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  9. Moved to Lounge Mr C, mainly because its funny :tongue:
  10. Mine gets cleaned every time it rains, takes no time at all.
    In fact, it is being done as I sit here :)
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  11. I'm always up for a bit of Tweedy :upyeah:
  12. I'm assuming you're talking about Princess Cheryl? :smile:
  13. Now go out and get it proper dirty !!!
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