Jeepers. But as someone said, if you've a gun and you're waving it around then don't complain if the Police shoot you.
well said, it is a tremendous movie, as is its sequel.. im not much a film watcher, particularly anything made in the states..give me a real story any day..this movie has one. Rad, you might also like 'motorcycle diaries', a true story about a certain person's experiences of riding through his country that galvanised his political beliefs and made him one of the most influencial political characters of the 20th century.
if that had happened over here, the scummy perp would probably have got more of tinking off for wearing flip flops.... a head stoving was in order, me thinks.
Yep! Seen it. Awesome, and brilliantly shows why Che Guevara went off and became a radical... Didn't know he was a qualified doctor though...