Cam won the hillclimb, so is now the NZ hillclimb champ, don't know about beating a record holder, he did say it was scary, very bumpy and wet, has an under ground spring coming thru the road at one corner, plus there was gale force winds as well (130kph) nothing to us locals tho' NZ Supercross champs was won by an Aussie as well
The home of the one and only original "Worlds Fastest Indian" and so much more...... E Hayes Motorworks Collection - Burt Munro's World's Fastest Indian Scout - Classic Vintage Motor Vehicles
Today was the Wyndham Street Race, here is the race programme and circuit, it goes anticlockwise ......
Cheeky bastard It is summer, well almost, it was bloody cold, rained and hailed throughout the day, so cold in fact, that 3/4 of the crowd, including me, left a bit early :Shamefullyembarrased:.
The lens that's on the camera I borrowed from my son , it a wee Fujifilm Finepix JX pocket jobbie, the problem is me tho', not the camera .
I think you have taken some great pics don't be hard on yourself and a great write up too Considering you didn't think you could do it look at what you have achieved A big thank you from me