Hypermotard Gallery

Discussion in 'Hypermotard' started by Rob, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Please drop a link from where you got the red nuts and carbon tank cover? BTW : Looking gorgeous!
  2. Will get some better pictures at the weekend only had it a week got the exhaust on a couple of nights ago. Haven't had a bike for 6/7 years but absolutely love this thing. IMG_0754.JPG
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  3. Finally gave the thing a quick clean. No before photo but believe me it was filthly after the rain we've had this week! IMG_1036.JPG
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  4. Latest modification:


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  5. Hi all,
    I snapped a couple of pics during the Summer of 2017 (that was last week):
    HM Sun 1.jpg HM Sun 2.jpg
  6. Nice , those Leo Vince are a bit on the long side
    What tail tidy is that ?
  7. Some find the Leos a little long, but the installation is correct. They are beautifully made with Ti sleeves and weigh less than a gnat's nadger. That said, I may part with them as I like the look of a set of shortened standard silencers and I don't really need squeeze the last HP out of this bike (new photos if I do).
    The number plate mount is a combination of R&G plate holder and fabricated carbon fibre brackets I made myself. The number plate itself has a small recess cut into the bottom edge centre-line, other wise it can catch on the tyre under certain circumstances.
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  8. IMG_0807.JPG
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  9. Just to prove you don't need a multistrada to tour on. This is my hyper at zwolle on my recent trip to assen. She performed faultlessly and averaged 55mpg IMG_2535.JPG
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  10. Do like them gold wheels though!....
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  11. Do like them gold wheels though!....
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  12. Holme moss ( moor above Holmefirth) great run out early before the TDF wannabes got up
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  13. Some beautiful scenery around there , there's that carpark on the hill with the radio mast on the opposite side of the road that mess's with immobilisers :D
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  14. Looks nice with gold wheels
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  15. Fitted a new slip-on:

    IMG_20170707_195637.jpg IMG_20170707_195643.jpg IMG_20170707_195649.jpg

    Was fun getting the spot weld to break, as the gap to get a box spanner in was too tight for my tools, thankfully, the Ducati toolkit under the seat had one that fit hurrah!

    Sounds lovely, tbf the stock one sounded decent too, with all the right pops and bangs - I just fancied something a tad louder and deeper sounding.
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