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1200 DVT I Finished My Decals

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by spannerman, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. I would say make sure you have as little dust as possible. Make sure you have removed any wax from the paintwork before you start. I used panel wipe from a local motor factors. Measure up decal before fitting. Then just take your time and try not to let people disturb you when applying the decals. This will save on house hold domestics and the wife not talking to you for two weeks;););)
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  2. They seem to have added some nice new kits in the last couple of months since I last looked :upyeah:

    May need to break open the card :astonished:
  3. Hi there,
    Sorry I have tried googling Vuturbike but without any results. Do you have the URL for them?
  4. It’s Vulture Bike, OP misses the L :)
  5. Sweet looking DVT
  6. For some time I have been looking at ordering some decals / graphics for my MTS. After fairly extensive searching online, I found several options I liked, but I only liked elements of some of them, and no one kit had everything I liked. Plus I do use the panniers and top box, and so whatever design or combination I finally used, everything needed to blend together and look good.

    So I have been slowly having a go at making / designing my own graphics for the MTS. In the end I ended up with a PP design tank pad and side panels from a company in Italy ( brilliant quality I might add ) and the rest I made myself.

    The process was fairly lengthy, but took my time making paper templates of various lengths and shapes and one by one put them on the bike to see if I liked them. It was a fairly long job and I think I made something like 26 templates in total (for the front fender, panniers and top box and side panels).


    Overall, I would say I am 95% happy with the results. By no means are they perfect, but I am fairly happy with the result. The little winglets of the front fender are my favorite part, and in the images you cant really see the pearl effect.... which looks stunning.

    I also decided I liked the extended touring rear hugger / fender more than the shorter standard one, so that got the carbon wrap treatment too.


    For the top box and panniers I ended up with a different final design, ill take some more pictures tomorrow. E.jpg


    I have just realised I don't have an image with all the bits finished and the panniers and top box mounted. So I will add that later. I also recycled / reused the original Ducati side panels and tank pad…. you'll see what I mean in the next group of images.


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  7. sorry for delay..



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  8. look great, you dont fancy coming up to cumbria and fitting some for me? If i did it then the the decals would end up in the bin and the bike in the river
  9. Hi Oly

    Just take your time and don't rush, it was a fair bit of time I took to be honest, but mainly making up lots of templates and putting them on.... then the wife saying... no that looks rubbish, and then starting again....lol

    Mounting them is fairly straight forward.

    Have a go !!!

    Ps: I used a pearl white with a violet hint, from eBay... really good price.
    The images don't really show that, but it looks brilliant in the sun.
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