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1200 I Give Up! Hello Ktm My Dear Old Friend.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by JH_1986, Jun 25, 2016.

  1. Most people report excess steam from the exhaust, you see the RH side of the tyre getting moisture buildup and it's basically coolant in your exhaust fumes. Some report steam from the front head too.
  2. That's my view on them now. Not even really top end prices either when you look at the competition (Yamaha excluded at the mo as they are really cheap).
  3. I really hope you get a satisfactory resolution. I also hope the next owner of my bike gets trouble free riding, it's partly why I didn't just sell privately because at least the new owner will get a bit of warranty when they pick it up.
  4. I was just going to offer mine for sale privately on this thread... any takers? :tearsofjoy:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  5. I might be interested JH, are there any problems with it ?

  6. 1 lady owner (if I wear a dress and stand really far away from you), never seen rain and the only thing that's ever been replaced is oil and fuel. It's the lesser known S Touring model in the ultra rare black. Asking for £12k because it's got the special engine that sounds like a dry clutch for those owners that miss it.

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Just had an update...

    The engine has suffered terminal damage due to the crankshaft breaking into two sections, further engine dismantling is currently under way to assess any other part failure(s) and to have all parts ready for examination / inspection.

    At this stage we cannot confirm what has caused the crank shaft failure and the failure may even require the specialist services of a metallurgist should your engineer be unable to clearly see the cause of the breakage.

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  8. Bl**dy hell no wonder it was a bit noisy!
  9. I would think that would require a new engine and not a rebuild attempt. Too much gone wrong with this one to date.
  10. I think there's a lot to be said for paying a little extra and using BH finance, even if it's not the cheapest.
  11. Not quite sure how the crankshaft breaking into two sections could be me, can only think that it got damaged when the previous engine failure happened or that there was a flaw in the metal all along?

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  12. They have been impeccable throughout. Hopefully it goes my way and I'll be buying from them again straight away

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  13. Fingers crossed.
  14. Suspect would be cheaper just to replace (or pay you up on the bike) than to have full analysis and rebuild

    Would a good result be walking away without anything owed?
  15. That would suit me down to a T

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  16. The Crank snapping in two is a SERIOUS problem...

    Didn't the Cam snap in 2 also?

    Sounds to me that James Bond drove past you with his laser wheel cutter and cut your engine in half!

    Either that or you have had some serious bad luck to have 2 major components fail this way...

    That said - maybe they were both heat treated in the same furnace - but I suspect the Cams and Cranks come from different suppliers...

    It must be bad heat treatment or inclusion in the steel.
  17. The cam did indeed snap at the shaft and rattle its way around the engine.

    If you don't laugh about it you'll cry. I do understand components fail, even in ultra reliable machines. The situation with my bike just seems way out there. Maybe that's the reason some of you gits have been fine on yours... all you problems were somehow transferred to my bike [emoji6]

    I'm guessing there was a problem
    In the metal. Hopefully there is some evidence to show a heat problem or air bubble in cast or something.

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  18. So if for example they put a whole new engine in... Would you keep it..? I'd say it would be worth it if they did...

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I think I'd still get rid. I do love it and it rides awesome, but I'm racking up more miles on it than I thought. Don't really fancy paying for a big service every 13-14 months.

    Also, I don't think the wife would allow it. With all the problems, she'd have no faith in something else not happening again.

    I'm assuming a new engine would be difficult to locate for a pre twin-spark bike. Especially one where they could guarantee the history and quality.

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  20. Voodoo
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