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I have a need for Crispy Cream Doughnuts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Doughnuts spread like wild fire, my GF just had a box a 6 as she seen my box yesterday while I was selflessly munching on them ;)
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  2. Kind off agree but when you need KK you need KK. Saying that polish doughnuts are the best by far:


    Char until Friday 17th I did not know something like that exists and I must say it is lovely.
  3. Best road food going, original glazed with a costa coffee, lovely!
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  4. Oh mmmmm I need a KK now!!
  5. mouth officially watering after looking at this thread - do they do J.D. ones L?
  6. Luca I'm expecting KK if your ever this way again
  7. I love doughnuts but rarely buy them, because they are hardly ever cooked properly. They usually have raw, stodgy, uncooked dough inside which I dislike and can't digest. Just as well really, if there was somewhere nearby which cooked them right I would eat too many.
  8. You're all going to get fat.

    Mind you, on a boring Friday afternoon in my London office, I often got tempted outside for a Prêt à Manger lemon cheesecake...
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  9. Not in UK :(

    They do chocolate, caramel, cream. We have a Polish one with brandy or Advocat if need be ....
  10. mmmm cheesecake - I especially like the M&S chocolate one
  11. When I was in London a few years ago it was lemon or caramel. Frankly, caramel is just taking the Michael - "would you like extra calories with your calories?".

    I thought they could have a bit more variety, like blackcurrant or something. I think I spoke to someone at the Prêt office about it, but nothing happened. My gut instinct was that they sold more at the end of the week, when people gave themselves a treat, sold more to women, and no one was really very concerned that they contained about 300 calories each.

    I'd just like to have a treat from time to time without turning into the Michelin Man.
  12. Is there any irony in the 'Michelin Man'? .-restaurant "standard" measure allegedly, of good food and a large doughnut shaped person, clearly overeats, on -say-restaurant food.....
  13. Put older duff nuts in the microwave for 10 secs. Brings new life to them
  14. Aj noted KK next time I see you, be careful what you wish for :)
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  15. what is so special about these L? Store Locator | Krispy Kreme I see nearly every Tesco has them so easy to find.

    Would prob go for 'Apple pie'
    #35 Chris, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2014
  16. I was lucky enough to live next to the home town of Krispy kreme: Winston Salem, North Carolina. I would take my kids to one of the many local Krispy Kreme shops, where we could watch our batch of donuts get cooked and glazed. If they're more than a few hours old, they'll taste stale by comparison.
  17. Hard to explain Chris it is like urge for McDonalds. It is nothing special but htere are days when it is heaven :)

    On both instances ask any polic officer they will confirm HeHe Andyb care to comment :)
  18. Oooo they are just mmmmmm
    Soft and goooee and taste nice
    I'm drooling now
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  19. When I was in Florida a year ago, the people who make Twinkies went bust. Apparently, the Twinkie was an American institution which fortunately never made it over the ocean. It was a sugary, gooey, fatty snack. Judging by the massive size of most Americans, it was extremely popular.

    They showed the ingredients of the Twinkie on the TV - it was basically about 16 different saucers of chemicals - various powders which, when mixed with water in a specific quantity and method, produced the Twinkie in all its hideousness.

    I always think of Krispy Kreme Donuts as being similar to this.
  20. Not as bad as SunnyD - 5% juice the rest oil and water - at least KKs don't pretend to be healthy . Thankfully not a fan.
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