Oh Ms Duc how soon I've been forgotten; I sit here at my keyboard deeply wounded. I'm sure that there is a huge clue as to my former identity , but here is the quack / quick version.... Ducatisti - Marcoantonio - 750SS
We must have been writing at the same time, hence the clues above. No I didn't run away at all, as I remember it Ben ran his SS out of juice and I had to go back with him to where we left it after getting some more go go juice in a jerry can. Being quite shy had nothing to do with it.
You know what, now I come to think of it you are correct How are you anyway, still tearing up the tarmac on your trusty SS?
I hope that somewhere in my archives that I've got some pictures to add to this story. A story of Farms and tractors (I had the cheek to turn up on a tractor at a Duke event) to which I couldn't stand the booing and hissing any more, so I found a quiet corner and with a thread around my neck proceeded to throw myself off of a matchbox.
Without boring everyone else I had a mishap on my SS the front end let go and down I went one wrote off SS and one wrote off ducbird Havnt ridden since (3years ago) Have a M600 monster sitting in my yard
Oh bloody hell I'm sorry to hear that, is there any chance of you getting back on the horse or is that it? If it's a confidence thing I'm sure that there is plenty of advice about it on here.
So you have the desire but the lack of confidence is hanging over you like a spectre of doom? Just thinking out loud, and you've probably thought of it anyway, but is there somewhere that you can go to give your confidence a boost; by which I mean some sort of training / refresher course? I'd imagine that it must be bloomin scary, but perhaps if you could get the first one under your belt and build up from there? I do hope that you can resolve it.
Have you thought about doing it all again from scratch? I mean wobbling around in carparks on a 125? You might find that that was so easy and boring that it would be a real confidence boost. But if you don't, you either might learn useful things, or that your confidence is so shot that you don't even want to be doing that, in which case you can sell the Monster and realise some cash. I did nearly all my BSAC scuba diving training at university but didn't actually get the qualification (missed 3 dives through bad weather - only 7 out of 10, then - and didn't do a test because of lack of available equipment). I dived sporadically all the same, then had a poor experience in the S of F. So I decided to do the PADI entirely from scratch about 15 years later. I found it extremely easy - because it was just revision really. Been happily diving since (although not recently - no money). It's good to revise.
Just had a thought, based on gllddofglood's doing it all from scratch, how about doing a CBT again? As I remember it from putting my youngest boy through it isn't expensive (compared to having a bike sitting there depreciating) you get to use their machines (OK a moped but it's two wheels) and you'll have an instructor with you acting as a guardian angel? Tell me to mind my own business, but it seems such a shame that you can't enjoy your bike. Mark.