Oh fffs miss Jen i understand how you feel about being prodded pokes etc and the what next thoughts just doesn’t seem to stop.... well I’m going to ask that it’s your turn to have some good news for a change Do the counselling when your ready You are in my thoughts Jen hang on in there beautiful and fight xxx
Hey @Wally , not too bad thank you Hubby's taken me and pooch up to Whitby for the weekend, I love the place.We got here yesterday afternoon and leave tomorrow. X
I think, very slowly but surely, my mojo might be starting to come back. I've recently become a volunteer helper for Marie Curie, which basically means you get matched with someone who has a life threatening illness and you spend three hours every week with them. The lady (or client, as they like to call them) has brittle asthma, copd and heart problems, I've been seeing her since November and boy does it make me realise just how lucky I am. Especially when she's so feisty and wants to do as much as she can while she's able to. Opened my eyes good and proper!