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Iconic Things you own.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by peter james, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Calm down dear!

    You clearly have no idea of the meaning of the word 'iconic'. A VW Beetle is iconic, an ugly old Subaru is most definitely not.
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  2. Great forum this new members made very welcome by the senior ones thanks very much
  3. Again, calm down. People are using the word 'iconic' here like the americans use the word 'awesome'. I'm sure the scooby is iconic to you; good, I'm happy for you. To the rest of the world it's about as iconic as Susan Boyle.
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  4. i like a larf i do.
  5. Apparently the car is iconic to rally fans. My mistake, I'm so very sorry. There, better now..?
  6. The word iconic is bound to be somewhat subjective - one man's iconic may well be another man's 'utterly mundane'.

    There's no point getting the 'ump just because someone disagrees with your opinion. All members are treated equally here as far as I can see - there's no requirement to be artificially pleasant to new members - that would be rather patronising surely?
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  7. Small world, I work next door & nothing to do with aviation
  8. Too true, half of the sh1t posted in this thread is as iconic as my left testicle
  9. And the other half as iconic as you right testicle!
  10. Agreed Fig. Like the guitar thing. I'm sure there are iconic guitars, maybe because of who designed them, maybe because of who manufactured them, maybe because of who owned them. But not to me as I have zero interest in the subject.

    It's a very subjective matter with people coming in from all angles, as we are now on page 8 of this thread proves.
  11. Sort of agree with you, sort of don't. A Kitchenaid mixer is an iconic piece of design whether you are interested in cooking or not. If you had a design museum of iconic design, you'd expect it to be there. Plenty of foodstuffs have iconic packaging, from Marmite to Oxo to HP Sauce or Heinz ketchup. Doesn't matter if you don't like them. Is there an iconic champagne? Probably not. Dom Perignon perhaps. Thing is, the whole champagne category is somewhat iconic hence it's use to launch ships. The square Johnnie Walker bottle with the slanted label is iconic, Chivas Regal is not.

    The outline of a Fender Strat is iconic and is used as a shorthand for rock. I can't think of an iconic drumkit. A Stradivarius is the only iconic violin no matter how many other good ones there may be.

    It is arguable that the Imprezza is an iconic car whereas there are really no iconic Datsuns. The Ford Cortina or Capri are also pretty iconic, the Mini Metro isn't. The original Mini, the Beetle or the Aston DB5 are clearly iconic. But is any Aston iconic? Hmmm. Not really. Hence the 916 is iconic, the ST2 isn't. The original 750ss is, ditto the original 900ss, their 90s counterparts aren't.
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  12. You make some good points Gidd, fair enough. :upyeah:

    There are clearly some things that are iconic even if you have no interest in them, others are more subjective I would say.
  13. Regardless or not if things are truly iconic or not, I've enjoyed the thread
  14. Well some are stating iphones as iconic
    Toungue in cheek im not so sure but...

    To me the only iconic mobile is the original one and everything since is just redefining the wheel.
    Sure they are packed with more and more but iconic no.
    Sony had the walkman phone long before apple and that wasnt iconic

    I think desirable is being confused with iconic
    Good thread all the same a d slme interesting interpretations :)
  15. anything that gets you pished is iconic in my humble opinion.
  16. An original Walkman must be iconic Phil, surely? It changed the game, everything since has just been evolution.
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  17. How dare you sir - I had a cream MG Turbo version with red seat belts

    Very fine pile of shite it was to
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  18. A friend of mine had an MG Maestro. I was amazed because it talked to you. I must have been easily impressed back then. :rolleyes:
  19. The iphone is an iconic design, it's recognised as a real game changer, every other manufacturer have either copied or failed to and ended up in financial difficulties

    The iphone is now the default template for the smart phone, it is one of the most sought after and desirable consumer electronics item in the world.
  20. [​IMG] Originally Posted by figaro [​IMG]
    Calm down dear!

    You clearly have no idea of the meaning of the word 'iconic'. A VW Beetle is iconic, an ugly old Subaru is most definitely not.

    I think he meant IRONIC.
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