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Idea Of Value?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by comfysofa, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. I would just sell and get rid. It's just stuff. Think about all the bikes in the world you aren't going to own - this is just another of them.

    It seems to be obvious that when your parents go, you can't just keep all their stuff (even if you wanted to) whether they were attached to it or not. It seems better to consider if you personally are attached to it, seeing as you are the one who is going to have to do the keeping. My parents have loads of stuff, and quite a lot of that stuff is stuff that belonged to my grandmother. Well, when they go, it will also go. I just don't need it or want it. I've got quite enough of my own stuff as it is.

    Stuff also comes with an effort cost attached - which many people choose to ignore. It needs putting somewhere, it attracts dust, it will fall to bits and require repair. The less stuff you have, the freer you are.
  2. I'll double keith916's offer ...
  3. If you don't mind holding on to it for a couple of months I would suggest you contact Practical Performance Bikes who love snippets like this in the news section - other mags too, maybe even MCN.
    This will get plenty of interest and realise a better value with a bit of media coverage - and it is a worthwhile story of interest for them to feature. Save on advertising too...
  4. Good idea...I thought it might be a bit old for practical sportsbikes....maybe more Classic bikes.
  5. They cover 1970's onward - they featured my new R1 and R6 which was a little on the new side for them, but they still did a full page on them in the news section. Classic Bike and others would be good too, worth dropping a mail to all of them I guess.
  6. I agree. I've just sold my vacuum cleaner for that very reason, it was just collecting dust.( Copyright Tim Vine 2014)
  7. thats a beauty and definately worth storing away,when yer well old and crusty youll regret selling now it as itll be worth loads by then.
    doesnt take up much space,stick it in the attic for that rainy day thats certain to come when yer ooold. :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I sold my 400/4 18 months ago for £2k although mine had 37k on the clock - the person who bought it was going around the country collecting them as he could see the prices rising.

    If you've got it, I would chuck the 4 into 1 original exhaust on it as it looks so much better.

    I haven't been looking at prices since i sold, however its got to be an easy £3k+?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Much more with the mileage I think if it's as good as it looks in the pictures - but I agree it will need the standard exhaust back on to realise it's true value.
    I recently saw a low mileage CX500 for nearly £6K - probably never sold though - but these are a lot more desirable!
  10. Well. I'm considering getting the original pipe restored.... May make some enquiries tomorrow...
    • Like Like x 2
  11. The thing to have in the early 80s was a Dunstall exhaust. I wonder if you can still get them.
    I had a Motad on the 400N, but a Motad never had the kudos of a Dunstall.
  12. Old hat then, more like 70's. Marshall, Yoshimura, Moriwaki were the Akro's & Temi's of the early 80's...
  13. i remember when yoshi's were all the rage.
    rarely had that stuff though,we just made our own up and upjetted accordingly.
    was all a lot simpler then,or so it seemed,certainly a lot cheaper..
  14. I remember in 1983 my Mr Turbo Header Pipes cost £185 - an extortionate amount of money then. My Z1 had an Alfa 4 on it when I bought it, another common pipe of the day.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Were Alfa the very small pipes that made a lot of noise but supposedly sapped power?

    The thing was, in the early 80s you had to change your exhaust because the originals used to rot and OE stuff was way too expensive as a replacement. Nowadays people just change their exhausts for the hell of it.
  16. Not sure if it sapped power as I bought the bike with it on and I was only 17 and 3 months old so nothing to compare it to other then my 250LC. I then went on to Turbo the bike when I was 18 so I guess it didn't matter :D
    It was bloody loud though!
  17. Break the bike. You'll get £500 for the seat alone...
  18. And you're still alive. Remarkable!
  19. Its going off on a tangent (in a nice/nostaglic way though!) I don't think this quite qualifies for "360 degree garage"...notice the Gas Bottle and sheet of glass behind....

    View attachment Page37.JPG
  20. thats the one thing thats a downer from my bike past is that there were no digital cameras about,so many mental bikes and so few fotos of my past.
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