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If you could go back in time...........

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Have a heart attack.............that will stop you......just like that..................

    .....for a while, anyway.......
  2. suspect i am going to be a slow learner.
  3. I would go back to 1977 and speak to the several adults that where my so called family and ask I what point did they all think putting a 7 year old child in to local authority care was a good idea.
  4. i would finish what i started with Sarah Wolfe in the Black Bull car park..
  5. in all seriousness there are a couple of things that i would dearly love to change that ended up having an enormously negative impact on my life and several members of my family...those of you that know me, probably know what im on about...if only eh..

    One thing im thankful for is that we cant travel into the future....now THAT would be grim.
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  6. im waiting for someone to say.....'put a condom on it that night'...
  7. Thats only for people who have itchy sacks ;-)
  8. Yes we can, we're all travelling into the future all the time; in fact I'm doing it right now ...
  9. Finished college and my degree so I would now have a better artistic job maybe teaching

    Never have left London

    Agreeing to get married and when the night before I knew that it was a terrible idea should have legged it !!!
    ( I don't recall the date I got married , anything I said ... Someone asked me what music we had .. I have not got a clue!!!!!!! I don't recall anything apart from I was not happy.

    I stole a blokes hat once ... I should have stolen the bloke as well maybe we both would be happier people ..

    This is my full of joy wedding face

    I went blonde for it ( dreadful) and as you can see I was ... Overjoyed excited and the happiest bride in the land ..... ( I was thinking what have I done !!!!)

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