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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Disco Davies, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Here's a suggestion.

    Sit down and write whatever you like. But DON'T PRESS SEND. Go and have a cup of tea, then come back later and read through what you wrote. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the people who will be reading it. Make a decision whether to send it as drafted, amend it first, or scrap it. Exercise judgement and take responsibility.

    Provided you do this, you won't make such a prat of yourself.
  2. How many cups of tea did that take to draft @Pete1950? ;)
    • Like Like x 2
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  3. Life really need to be that boring?
    • Like Like x 1
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  4. And still failed on the prat front ;)
    #24 bradders, Oct 6, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
  5. all fun on Ducati ms AD? Outcasts mcc should be our home really. I'm off to get my Ritalin now.
  6. Im printing that out and putting it on my wall :)
    May just stop me making a prat of myself just once
  7. I'm with ya bro, I'll get the patches made up
  8. No need. Wander down to your local dealer, he has kit full of patches.
  9. Its a plan but if I did that on my favourite threads I'd come back 3 pages behind. Contentious opinions are all grist to the mill but personal insults, threats and foul-mouthed tirades shouldn't make it as far as the keyboard in the first place IMO. If you wouldn't say something to someone's face from 3 feet away don't say it on the internet. And if you would, expect to get banned from the forum just as you'd get banned from the pub.
    (Not that I'm accusing FatPeroniEddyCranker of tirades, threats and insults. I've not followed his content that closely so I wouldn't know. I'm just sayin..).
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  10. It's rather flavourless and over rated...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. I never buy it. I didn't like the idea of calves never being outside and seeing the sun. But the pigs in Switzerland (and I suspect Italy and God knows how many other places) never go outside and see the sun either. Yet I still eat ham and other pork products.... I was happy to see the small pig houses in the fields in Oxfordshire last weekend.

    The Italian recipe of veal with lemon is, however, totally brilliant.
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