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in the name of religion???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, May 22, 2013.

  1. Total scum !!!!!
    RIP MATE !!!!
  2. RIP Brother in Arms.

  3. RIP and thoughts with the family
  4. RIP thoughts are with family and friends
  5. RIP to the guy and thoughts to his family. Shocking, disgusting and horrific. I am mortified and as like many who have posted, I am angry and actually very very upset.

    I know that it is a very sore subject but could we please not let this thread be reduced to a attack on race/religion as we can't put these horrible extremists with others.
    #25 yets, May 22, 2013
    Last edited: May 22, 2013
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  6. Very sad day RIP
  7. We can not group these people as all Muslims, or all of a particular race, as there are good in every walk of life. I know allot of different races including Muslims and spoken to them in great depts about terrorist etc. the Koran for exampe does not encourage violence, nor does it condem the right to take someone's life. These people are sick minded fucks that their own thoughts on what their beliefs are turn them to what they think society should be like, and as they know fuck all and extremely poorly educated they take matters into their own hands and carry out actions like today.

    I to am very upset and disturbed that this has happened my thoughts are with the families afected but its these people that commit these crimes should be hung up by the balls, to be frank, but lets not mix them in with a particular race or religion as no race or religion will ever support these events, lets single out these peeps and dispose of them accordingly.
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  8. It makes no sense. The guy is quoting the Quran Saying an eye for an eye. Then he is saying that they should bring back our troops from Afghanistan because they are killing our people.

    If our troops means the British. And he is African British who are his people because he certainly is not an afghan.

    It's a whole pile of pointless confusion.

    I'm going to have to think twice when I think about my road rage incidents in the bike in London. I've had too many weird Arabs driving like dicks in my star of town.
  9. Looks like a Somali to me, loads of them in Woolwich.

    The other half parks her car in the towerblock carpark and works just down from where it happened.

    She has to deal with the local population, alloating housing stock to the Feckless and Ne'er-do-wells.

    Poor lad. RIP
  10. Moved to lounge :smile:
  11. Threads merged :smile:
  12. There are a few crimes like this where there is no such thing as 'accordingly'

    the death penalty seems too easy, despite keeping him in jail costing more some things are worth the cost. Lifetime solitary confinement with only the most basic food? Still seems too easy

    If you put him to death me becomes a martyr and will inspire other twisted lunatics to follow in his footsteps.
  13. I'll believe that when I here the muslim leaders stand up and condemn the actions of the extremists amongst them
  14. I don't doubt they will, there is a thread on Facebook where many Islamic people have posted condemning this attack. What's especially disturbing is that the attacker was British born and bred, and converted to radical Islam

    On the Facebook page there was a particularly poignant post from a Muslim lady expressing her anger and sorrow at the attack, but also expressing concern that she now feels fear that there will be a backlash against her and her children
  15. All those serving, TA and Regular. Time to step up your personal security guys. Be aware of where and when you go off base in uniform, watch what you put on Facebook or other social media, if not for your sake then for your families. Fingers crossed this is a one off but you have to expect copy cat incidents.

    I wonder how much UKIPs popularity will increase off the back of this?
  16. The Muslim council of Britain stated on the bbc news website that they condemn this attack unreservedly

    The attacker wasn't an immigrant either, but British born and bred. This is the tragic work of a lunatic, and should be seen as such.
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  17. +1

    A cowardly, cowardly attack.
  18. People are so eager to conflate entire populations of normal people with a couple of mad warped thugs.

    This outrage has no more to do with the Pakistani family running their corner shop than the David Koresh's mad church in Waco with people who go to their parish church for a Sunday service in the counties.

    There are very few jihadists in Britain, numerically speaking. Warped sects of all varieties exist all over the place. Stamp out jihadists clearly, but don't confuse them with most law-abiding citizens. The bloke with the meat-cleaver had a clear London accent. What are people now saying, if you're not white you can't be trusted - send them all abroad no matter how long you have lived in the country?

    It's clearly utter bollocks (not even possible if it was desirable).

    You want to get a grip folks.

    It's about time the media stopped lumping all Muslims together in any case. The Shias loathe the Sunnis and god knows how many other factions are all fighting each other. There is no Muslim brotherhood supporting each other. The Arab oil states, dripping in cash, are only too happy to employ other Muslims on pittances to build their hotels. They're not all handing out billions in aid either. And yet this idea of "world Muslims vs the West" is continually peddled to us and only serves to fuel a few arseholes' mad mindset.
    #38 gliddofglood, May 23, 2013
    Last edited: May 23, 2013
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  19. Reaction, not overreaction, is what is needed
  20. Something I haven't heard mentioned is that the guy talking to camera appears to be on crack, this according to a friend who has the joy of dealing with crackheads on a regular basis.
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