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in the name of religion???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, May 22, 2013.

  1. I can, so ner.................there's a compost heap at the bottom of mine.
  2. Dont two negatives make a positive....
  3. I just put two negatives together, but they don't really make a very good photo........just an orange and brown blur.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Double negatives

    A teacher was telling one of his students that in other countries, a double negative can sometimes mean an emphasis on the negative.

    "Whereas in English, a double negative cancels out into a positive and is definitely a 'no-no'. However, no language has a double positive that translates to a negative."

    "Yeah, right", said the student.
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  5. Conspirators?
  6. lol
    I just fitted 2 car batteries to my motor..
    just used both negatives..
    darn thing wont start

    deffo not positive lol
  7. Really? I doubt that.
  8. Good answer, Hippo. Arrest all conspirators!
  9. Make a point Pete or stop pissing around with semantics.

  10. Put the bong down Pete. In essence you've made your point but let's be clear here; the UK has been infected by Islam and you're all too effing weak to do anything about it now.

    Game over. Your fooked.

    God help you all.
  11. now now
    we must all be tolererant lol

    muslims can march through the streets protesting hatred of us - yet we are tolerant.

    if I did and said what they did id be locked up for hate crime or public order and the police are terrified to act for fear of muslim unrest.

    and I say muslims because we dont see sikhs or hindus or jews doing this shit so I think im justified.

    if they hate us so much and our ways of life.
    part of our freedom is also the freedom to leave

    frankly im fed up of tolerant. tolerant this tolerant that
    #151 Phill, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
  12. She should be worried. I'm so insenced I'd slot her and her progeny. I wouldn't even blink. They are the enemy of civilization.
  13. The Australian PM? Let's get one thing straight, this bint wont just be voted out on September 14th, she'll be killed or strung up like Mussolini and his wretched whore. From fucking lamposts.
  14. why ???

    BTW that famous aussie speech was a hoax afaik
  15. Can i repeat the words spoken by a indian i work with who is also a freind.
    I dont want to upset the looney lefties on here!
  16. I am generally very tolerant and wasn't going to comment on this thread but after the recent attack and previous attacks on the UK mainland not to mention the child grooming I think the Muslim population of this country should take a long , hard look at themselves.
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  17. [​IMG]
    Just ordered one of these and I'll be proud to wear it. Up yours Muzzo extremists, hope our boys close your eyes permanetly.
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  18. Devshi is sick to death of muslims full stop.
    He gets tared with the same brush but soon puts you right with his thoughts on all muslims.

    He really cant believe how soft this country has got etc and has hatred for them and how they behave in the uk.

    He did say that many pigs heads and blood were left outside mosques near indian communitys the other night.

    Why did the press miss that.
  19. pete,i live in northern Ireland and find it fairly stable and safe. the point I was making was that our routinely armed police force are when at the scene of an incident more capable of dealing with whatever presents itself, even if off duty ( lots of police carry personal protection weapons ) the point I was trying to make was that maybe you should be looking to follow the example of our police force.
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