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In the night garden......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. It's hard enough for me to say Pontipine or Wattinger ;)

  2. "Your honour" ......... they all say that!"
  3. did it not reverse on to you?
  4. o_O Hey! C'mon, I'm not Welsh Y'know ! ;)
  5. i wonder why bridgitte mendler by chance ;)
    have to admit its one of the better ones
  6. Bill and Ben weren't that clever either (and if you look at an episode (or a bit of one, it's quite painful) on Youtube, you see just how incredibly slow-paced it was. But aged 2 or 3, I think I quite liked it. Weeeeeeeeed!

    But don't anyone bad-mouth the Magic Roundabout. It was clearly made for adults so that they could get some entertainment watching it with their kids. I still love the Magic Roundabout. And what about Noggin the Nog? Pure class.
  7. bagpuss ..............cant go wrong with a bit of bagpuss :Hilarious:
  8. after my time.
  9. Total shite, I used to think Bill & Ben were bad but that takes the buiscuit
  10. Hectors House anyone........
  11. even as a kid that would depress me.
    hear iv got something for you to nag me with. been meaning to get my eyes tested for a bit struggling to read my phone. and they hurt all the time.
  12. Use a larger font, and stop reading 'those' magazines in the bog - there you go
  13. do you think that's what it is.? cool will give it a go.
  14. What about Captain Pugwash? Why can't we have kids shows like that now that I can actually see and understand the genius of it!

    Our 5 week old is on a diet of Poirot and Midsomer Murders whilst I'm at work! I tell my wife she'll ruin him if he can solve crimes but not know the difference between Tinky Winky and a Pontipine!
  15. Look at our old programs Rainbow ... Fingerbobs and HR puff and Stuff and Jamie and the magic Torch .
    However best ever I still watch is [​IMG]

    Elo little old lady !!!!
  16. Chorlton and the wheelies! (Or is it Charlton?)
    Used to love that! You watch it on YouTube?
  17. how do mel
    chorlton and the wheelies ace
    also love a bit of jamie and the magic torch
    eldest daughter loved it as a kid as her name is jaime lol
    hows about a bit of mister ben
  18. Definitely Chorlton cos I think that's where it was recorded.
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